Last updated : February 17, 2025
In order to operate a successful business, employers realize that workplace safety is the number one priority because it creates a sense of security for those who work there. Participating in a drug-free workplace program is an important factor in creating a safe work environment. Employees who use drugs while at work are a danger to themselves and anyone who may be working with or near them. Employee drug testing is a useful tool in weeding them out of your company.
No one should have to go to work only to be involved in an accident caused by negligence or error due to an employee being high on drugs. It happens though. Data proves that workplace drug testing cuts down the number of workplace accidents by an impressive margin. And with drug abuse continuing to rise, workplace drug testing continues to be a relevant tool in fighting against drug abuse on the job site.
Back to employee satisfaction, though
It’s no secret that employees who feel satisfied with their employment choice are an asset like no other. Why? Because it flows over into every aspect of the business.
If you’re wondering how workplace drug testing couples with increased employee satisfaction, read on.
Less absenteeism
It’s a well-known fact that drug users tend to call in to work rather than show up more frequently than employees who don’t use drugs. Still, when sober employees are unhappy at work—and working with people who use drugs can be a stressful experience, whether you realize the person is on drugs or not—they sometimes call in rather than face dealing with the circumstances yet again.
Employers who participate in a drug-free program report employees showing up for work more and calling in less.
Reduces drug use
When employees know there is a possibility of a drug test in the future, it encourages sobriety. Besides attracting employees who don’t use drugs in the first place, those who may use them casually may decide to reduce or eliminate use. Especially, if they love their job! That can have a trickle-down effect that impacts the health and safety impacts of a business.
Rise in productivity
Drug impairment tends to affect one’s output where work is concerned. Weeding out the employees who use drugs is going to put someone in their place who is going to be more efficient and able to stay on task. Moreover, employees who don’t have to pick up the slack for their drug-using co-workers are going to be happier and less stressed.
All of these factors point to an increased workflow.
A less visible benefit
Fewer workplace accidents can mean a decrease in insurance costs, both for employers and employees. In addition, many states offer a discount on workers’ compensation premiums when the company participates in a drug-free workplace program.
Overall, reduced drug use in the workplace means fewer medical claims both due to accidents or drug-using employees hoping to refill prescriptions. Or, perhaps, even to get hooked up with something new.
Another way to pack a powerful punch
When employers incorporate employee drug testing policies and procedures, it’s important to implement training for personnel enabling them to recognize the signs and symptoms of drug use. They should also be completely familiar with the process when, for example, approaching an employee with a request to report for a reasonable suspicion drug test. Empowering them with the tools they need to handle the situation is an important aspect of the process.
Educating employees in regard to the dangers of drug use and addiction… or rather substance use disorder as it is referred to of late… can reinforce in some that they will never try them. Moreover, it could help someone gain the courage to admit they have a problem with substance abuse. Have a plan in place in case this should ever happen as well. Will you encourage the employee to seek help? Hold their position for them if they enter rehab? Whatever it is that you can do to offer them encouragement and hope at what is sure to prove a difficult journey, do it!
Helping someone who wants to stop using drugs receive help is ultimately a step toward saving their life. Operating a drug-free workplace establishes the fact that drug use won’t be tolerated. It gives your employees a sense of security, thereby, increasing their sense of satisfaction. That has a ripple effect across your entire business. Company culture is infused with a positive buzz because of it.
Companies that operate under a drug-free protocol experience less absenteeism, increased productivity, and a decrease in workplace accidents.
If you have questions about how to get started, reach out. We’ll be glad to help get you pointed in the right direction or explain how we can take over the entire process for you… right down to the drug testing.