The Department of Transportation (DOT) doesn’t sway from demanding compliance from employers who hire a safety-sensitive workforce. There are many rules and regulations to adhere to if employers want to remain in compliance. The DOT drug test was incorporated into the mandates to ensure that drivers aren’t impaired while on the road. Its design, of Read more »
Purdue Pharma and Sackler Family to Payout 7.4B in Opioid Settlement
News broke last week that Purdue Pharma and the Sackler family, have been ordered to pay 7.4B to families whose loved ones died due to an oxy overdose. States sought damages in the lawsuit as well. Has your life been affected in some way by the opioid crisis? It seems it surely must be the Read more »
You Realize THC Drinks Cause Positive Drug Tests, Right?
Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the component found in marijuana that affects the brain. It causes the euphoric effects that the drug is known to possess. As the evolution of the cannabis industry continues due to legalization, new products keep emerging catering to those eager to partake of the drug. THC drinks are the latest craze and Read more »
Poppy Seeds and Positive Drug Tests
Manufacturers use the opiate extract from poppies to produce drugs, such as morphine, codeine, and heroin. But have you ever had someone tell you not to eat any foods containing poppy seeds before a drug test because you could test positive for morphine? The warning has been going around for decades. Is it true? Several Read more »
Is Treating PTSD with Psychedelics Wise?
Therapists are experimenting with using psychedelic drugs, such as MDMA, ketamine, and psilocybin, to treat patients suffering from PTSD, otherwise known as post-traumatic stress disorder. The patient undergoes the supervised treatment in a controlled setting and some believe the results thus far seem promising. PTSD is an anxiety disorder that presents itself after someone experiences Read more »
This Magic Mushroom Is to Die For
Psychedelic mushroom products are selling off the shelves in America. Sadly, not all psychedelic mushrooms are safe for human consumption though. The Amanita muscaria (A. muscaria) mushroom is being marketed by some companies as a treatment for depression, anxiety, and other maladies. Still, nobody’s informing consumers that risking death with every dose isn’t the best Read more »
Duties of a DOT DER
Small business owners operating a drug-free workplace and employing the general workforce often handle the employee drug testing program themselves. They could be known as the company’s Designated Employer Representative (DER). The Department of Transportation (DOT) created the title for that position as part of its drug testing protocol. The DOT oversees employers of the Read more »
How to Pass a Mouth Swab Drug Test
First and foremost, not using drugs is the one sure way to pass a mouth swab drug test. However, many drug users have jobs and, at some point, find themselves desperate to pass a company drug test. Moreover, they may resort to trying to produce a false positive result. According to the word on the Read more »