Last updated : February 17, 2025
In 2009, Joe Strom launched USA Mobile Drug Testing; a company based on the premise that drug testing comes to you. COO Jeff Sardisco mentions that companies don’t realize the toll that drug use takes on productivity. In an effort to bring mobile drug testing more accessible, Strom pushed for franchising in 2010. USAMDT now has 42 franchisees in locations from New York to California.
The rapid expansion is due to swift and efficient service. USAMDT handles all aspects of the drug testing process. They send a representative to the workplace, they administer the tests, and the contact the employer when the results are in. Mobile drug testing protects companies from loss. There’s no loss in productivity due to employee travel time and there’s no loss in revenue due to a worker’s compensation claim. Just think, what if your employee is involved in an accident on the way to the testing site? USAMDT eliminates all of that. Employees may see drug testing as a threat to their job history, but they don’t just provide results; they provide help. Revealed drug users are provided with contacts to receive the help they need maintain wellness and keep their job.
Since 2010, revenues increased by 576% for USAMDT compared with the same period in 2010. This proves that their presence is being noticed. Looking toward the future, they are aiming for national firms. Jeff Sardisco says, “If you were an accountant at AMEX, would you want to look over 76 invoices for something as trivial as drug testing?” Why would any company use several drug testing sites when they could use ONE? USAMDT seeks to build and single brand with a nationwide presence. Bob Klein, president of franchising, expects to add more than 100 franchisees in 2012 – more than doubling their revenue. Growth expectations are dependent upon the firm’s ability to educate HR departments about the benefits of mobile drug testing.
Employee drug use is a national problem that is crippling the workplace more than we know. USAMDT strives to solve this problem by providing service and education to employers and employees alike. With their continued growth, USAMDT is and will be a powerful presence in the drug testing industry.
Source: Gulf Coast Business Review