Last updated : February 17, 2025
Drug abuse is spiraling out of control across the nation. The workplace is no exception, which is why random drug testing is of the utmost importance.
According to the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (NCADD), more than 70 percent of those abusing illicit drugs in the United States are employed either full or part-time. Marijuana, alcohol, and cocaine are the most common illicit drugs abused on the job.
Statistics show that employee drug use consistently costs employers billions of dollars each year. Employees who use drugs are:
- Absent more often
- Less productive
- At a higher risk of being involved in an accident
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Workplace drug testing, specifically random drug testing, is one way to combat these issues.
What Is Random Drug Testing?
Random drug testing is exactly how it sounds. It uses the element of surprise as a drug deterrent. Random drug testing occurs at the discretion of the company at any point in time. It’s a measure designed to ensure that workers don’t merely stop using drugs for the sake of the interview and on-boarding process. It also helps to maintain higher workplace productivity, morale, and safety because employees know they are subject to a drug test at a moment’s notice.
With no way to prepare ahead of time, random testing allows employers to identify those employees that have a problem with substance abuse. The Department of Transportation (DOT) requires quarterly testing of the employees within that company. Non-regulated drug testing programs may test their employees monthly, quarterly, annually, or at any interval that they choose.
Have Your Workplace Random Drug Testing Policy in Writing
In order to legally perform random drug tests, your drug-free workplace protocol must first contain a written policy and procedures. This policy protects you from a discriminatory lawsuit filed by a disgruntled employee who tested positive on a random test. By laying out your random drug testing policy from start to finish, there will be no reason to suspect that acts of favoritism, bias, or prejudice are occurring.
Workplace accidents increase when employees who have used drugs or alcohol are on-site. For this reason, some states offer employers that have drug-free policies and procedures in place reduced workers’ compensation insurance premiums.
How Random Drug Testing Works
After drawing up the required random drug testing policy and procedures and educating your staff, the next step is to set up your drug testing pool by entering all employee names into a database. The present number for testing will be randomly selected at the time the test is to be conducted. Most employers choose a third-party administrator (TPA) to handle the testing pool.
If regulated by the DOT, at least 50 percent of employees must randomly test over the calendar year. Each mode of the DOT has its own requirement for drug and alcohol testing. The FMCSA (Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration), for example, tests 50% for drugs and 10% for alcohol on an annual basis (this just doubled for the FMCSA in 2020 due to an increase in positive drug test results in 2019).
The software generates a completely random employee selection list. The third-party software selection method is ideal for random drug testing because there is no way to “cheat” the test. The following methods of selection are never acceptable:
- Drawing from a hat
- Rolling dice
- Throwing darts
- Choosing a card
A TPA completely eliminates the possibility of these selection methods.
When using the random selection software, the employee’s name goes right back into the mix with everyone else. The odds that some employees get chosen more often and some never at all can be common from a statistical perspective.
Collection Methods
Urine Drug Test
A urine test is the most widely used collection method. Most employers choose the 5-panel urine test. However, employers of the general workforce are free to use other test panels, such as 10-panel or 12-panel drug screens.
Mouth Swab Drug Test
Also called a saliva drug test or oral fluid drug test, the mouth swab drug test is becoming a more popular choice for random drug testing and is just as reliable as urine testing. The detection periods range from minutes after using up to 72 hours prior to the test.
Hair Follicle Drug Test
The hair follicle drug test is gaining more notice because it offers a longer look-back of drug use (up to 90 days for all drugs) versus urine and oral fluid drug tests. Hair follicle drug tests are noninvasive, quick to complete and create a record of drug use.
Get Started
If you want to start a random drug testing program, USA Mobile Drug Testing of Northeast Ohio can help. We can explain how the process works and supply you with the information you need to establish the correct policies and procedures.
We offer random drug testing to help proactive employers discourage employee drug use. This increases workplace safety and productivity as well as reduces employee turnover and your workers’ compensation insurance. For more information on random drug testing, contact us today.