Last updated : March 3, 2025
By and large, using synthetic urine is nothing more than another attempt by drug abusers to falsify drug test results. It joins the ranks of detox drinks, shampoos, mouthwashes and other products that assure a negative drug test result if using the product.
Drug users act out of desperation and stoop to many levels.
It’s no surprise that fake urine is becoming one of the go-to methods when an individual intends to falsify drug test results. Whether it’s an attempt to hide their addiction from their family or “passing” the company drug test, they pull out all the stops.
A brief history
Surprisingly, synthetic urine has been around for a while.
A German scientist, Friedrich Wohler, was a pioneer in the field of organic chemistry. In 1828, he discovered synthetic urine. It’s intended use is for calibrating medical equipment. Sales in the industry spiked, however, when someone decided to market the stuff to drug users.
Created of about 95% water and 5% creatinine and other chemicals, synthetic urine isn’t just for calibration tests anymore.
How does synthetic urine pass the test?
Actually, the composition of synthetic urine is very nearly the same as human urine. It simulates the appearance and contains the chemical properties of a person’s urine. To the naked eye, it is almost always impossible to ascertain the difference between the two.
It, also, contains other components of natural urine, such as creatinine, uric acid, urea, and ammonia. Even the pH levels match up between the two.
Truth be told, though, fake urine doesn’t stand a very good chance of going undetected these days.
The scheme of things
The plan is pretty simple. Use the synthetic urine instead of their own urine for the test specimen.
Oftentimes, someone that tested positive for a drug test, completed the required rehabilitation, and who requests to return to work must submit to a directly observed drug test. Some companies require this option in case of a diluted test result, as well.
Positive or negative dilute
Diluted tests yield either a positive or a negative dilute result.
Creatinine is always present in urine. However, if it’s out of the normal range, the urine is diluted with excessive fluid.
A positive dilute means that drug metabolites were found in the system, but the creatinine level was also out of the normal range. A positive dilute is the same as a positive test result. Most drug-free workplace policies call for termination.
However, if creatinine levels are out of the normal range and no drug metabolites found, the result is a negative dilute. A negative dilute is still suspect. It suggests that someone tried to mask drug use by consuming large quantities of liquids prior to the test. Employers follow drug-free protocol in place for negative dilute results. This usually means the employee gets to retest.
In the case of DOT-regulated employers, the employee reports for a second drug test. Depending on the creatinine levels, the MRO (Medical Review Officer) may request a second test. It will be a direct observation test. The test will not be observed if it is the employer that requests a second test.
In either case, the DOT requires that the second test result be negative for drugs. If not, the employer immediately removes the employee from duty. Employers of the general workforce follow the procedures they have in place.
Where they get it
People that choose using fake pee for drug tests have two options. They can purchase it in liquid or powder form, both easily found online. Or possibly at the nearest gas station!
Ready-made synthetic urine is a booming business, even more so since a growing number of states are legalizing marijuana.
Two popular ready-made products are Upass Synthetic Urine or Quick Fix Synthetic Urine. Of course, both of these brands claim that their product delivers negative results. The directions for use are similar. Heat the synthetic urine in the microwave for a few seconds, shake gently, and then gauge the temperature. If it is below 94 degrees, repeat the heating process. The more expensive version includes a warmer to keep the “specimen” within the proper temperature range for several hours.
Purchasing powdered urine online is another option. Monkey Wizz and TestClear are two names that came up at the top of the search page. The product descriptions both warned that the biggest drawback in using this method is failing to mix your specimen accurately. Adding too much or not enough water will botch the batch.
Other than that, the directions for use are extremely similar to the above. The manufacturers of both liquid and powdered fake urine stressed that the temperature must be between 94 and 100 degrees when handed over to the technician.
Warmers are often included in the kits, some even had a device to stash it on your body. The leg being one place and, well, perhaps you can imagine where the other might be.
Drug users act out of desperation and stoop to many levels.
Does synthetic urine work?
Why, of course!
According to the companies selling the stuff, anyway. However, we will note that a few of the sites used for research noted that this technique might be risky due to the fact that some laboratories use very sophisticated methods.
Technology evolves constantly, it seems. Most of the time, it is improving or creating something for the good of all concerned. The misguided druggie may believe that products designed to “pass” a drug test are a good thing. However, misguided is the key word here.
Lab technicians and employers, alike, are on to the fake urine scam. Mouth swab and hair follicle testing are more precise than ever, as well.
It is becoming more and more difficult for the drug user to hide. Ultimately, that is a good thing. The reason being that when they are found out, it can become their best case scenario if they choose to seek help.
Addiction is tough to beat, but it can be done. Losing your job because you use drugs is a wake-up call. Supplying an employee that tests positive for drugs with rehabilitation information could save their life.