Have you considered purchasing your prescriptions online but held off due to the expense? Even worse, ordering online puts you at risk of purchasing medication that was manufactured overseas in laboratories with virtually no checks and balances in place. There is little doubt that up to now, ordering prescriptions online can be costly—in one way Read more »
Drug News
New Biden Executive Order Enables Drug Abuse
If you give an addict a crack pipe, he’s going to take the crack pipe. If you give him an incentive to feed his addiction, he’ll probably be back for more. When he’s finished with that, he’ll be back to continue the cycle. We could go on in the vein of the popular children’s book Read more »
NDASA Racing Toward the Future
Founded in 2018 to meet the growing need for training advocacy and best-practice standards for the drug and alcohol testing industry, the National Drug & Alcohol Screening Association (NDASA) supports employers in a variety of ways to ensure they maintain the highest level of safety standards and in developing effective workplace drug-free policies. Their diverse Read more »
Will Legalizing Marijuana Curb Fentanyl Overdoses?
There are those who have proclaimed since at least 2018 that legalizing marijuana nationwide will affect the opioid crisis in a positive way. More specifically, some believe allowing recreational marijuana use would dramatically cut down the number of deaths attributed to fentanyl. As a matter of fact, just last summer, Geraldo Rivera staunchly defended his Read more »
What are Kratom’s Health Benefits?
Kratom has been used for hundreds of years in Southeast Asia as a natural home remedy. It’s used to fight chronic pain and it doesn’t show up on a drug test. The kratom tree is a member of the Rubiaceae family of plants. It’s been used there for hundreds of years as a natural home Read more »
Disturbing News: E-Cigarettes Alter Immune Response
The e-cigarette market exploded in the 1990s. Individual inventors and tobacco companies alike began registering for patents in droves. The trend carried on throughout the remainder of the decade and well into the 2000s. Manufacturers primarily advertised e-cigarettes as a safer way to get your nicotine fix than conventional smoking. The reason is that you Read more »
Rise in U.S. Cardiac Arrests Linked to Opioids
Extractions from the poppy plant Physicians prescribe opioids to control acute pain—unfortunately, they’re highly addictive. As a matter of fact, it’s possible for someone to form an addiction to some opioid medications before they complete their post-surgery prescription. It’s estimated that more than two million citizens here in the U.S. suffer from opioid use disorder. Read more »
Drug Addiction Doesn’t Discriminate
Have you noticed that nearly everything you hear on the news these days adds a spin linking the story with undertones that involve racism? There are even those who say that employee drug testing falls under that narrative. The theory behind it is that it targets minorities—that’s ludicrous. Neither addiction nor drug testing is discriminatory. Read more »