You’re certain you’ve found a candidate who is a stellar choice for the open management position in your company. It’s all a matter of formality now. As soon as you get the results from the required background screening, you will have the pleasure of officially welcoming them aboard. Sometime later, as you read the results, Read more »
How to Identify Hallucinogens Use in the Workplace
Should a co-worker ever come tearing down the hallway screaming that a giant hand has grabbed his coat tail and won’t let go, they may not have gone stark raving mad. It could be an indicator that they’ve taken hallucinogens of one type or another. As a rule, employees don’t use this type of drug Read more »
Is a Tenant Background Check Beneficial?
If you own rental properties, you’ve undoubtedly had renters who caused problems in one way or another. Maybe the rent was consistently late—if it was paid at all—and having to pursue an eviction takes things to an entirely different level. Perhaps your renter was contacting you constantly to complain about their neighbors or vice versa. Read more »
Two More States Voted to Legalize Recreational Marijuana
The people spoke in both Missouri and Maryland on November 8th with both states voting in favor of legalizing recreational marijuana. Those in Missouri who were hoping to join the ranks of United States citizens who freely smoke pot in the comfort of their own homes were awaiting the results with bated breath. It was Read more »
How Long Do Background Checks Take Anyway?
Choosing the right candidate for a position can be a daunting task in today’s job market. It seems as if everyone is hiring. You can’t waste any time because if an applicant is offered a position before you’ve had a chance to complete your talent search, you could lose out. Looking over your process and making Read more »
What is a Hookah?
Thought to have orginated in India or Persia during the 1500s, hookah smoking has spread worldwide. These large water pipes consist of a water chamber, a tobacco chamber, and one—or more—flexible tubes stemming from the water chamber for inhaling the smoke. You can smoke marijuana and hashish too—it’s merely added in with the tobacco in Read more »
Exactly How Far Back Does a Background Check Go?
“Exactly how far back does a background check go anyway?” Imagine being an interviewer and being asked that question just as you were explaining company policies regarding pre-hire background screenings and pre-employment drug tests. Be honest now—would you wonder if the applicant had something to hide? Actually, there are no federal regulations in place regarding Read more »
What Triggers a Relapse?
It’s no secret that kicking a drug addiction isn’t easy. As a matter of fact, statistics show that even though there are FDA-approved treatments for alcohol, nicotine, and opioid addiction, over two-thirds of the people who begin treatment for these addictions relapse at least once. The urge to return to drug use lessens over time, Read more »