Last updated : February 3, 2025
It’s no secret that pain relievers, such as oxycontin and other opioids, are addictive. Some of these powerful pain relievers can even cause patients to form an addiction before finishing their first prescription. When that happens, they may take too much of the medication putting them at increased risk of experiencing side effects—or worse, an overdose.
It’s for that reason, people are turning to natural pain relief as a means of coping with pain. There are several natural substances used for pain management. Moreover, most of these can be administered by merely incorporating them into your diet.
This aromatic spice is used in traditional and modern medicines because of its anti-inflammatory properties. According to several studies, ginger has the same effect on the body as ibuprofen, a popular over-the-counter painkiller. It reduces swelling naturally and can be useful for patients suffering from migraines, menstrual pain, stiffness, and arthritis.
You can incorporate ginger into your diet by adding it to soups, stews, and curries. There are also smoothie recipes and teas available. Others prefer to purchase ginger capsules which are usually taken twice a day.
A natural spice, turmeric can be found in many kitchen cupboards. It’s known to have healing and pain-relieving properties. One expert in the field of natural medicine explained that turmeric brings pain relief by working in the same way that over-the-counter drugs do.
He stated, “The compound named curcumin is found in this spice and has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. They have the same mechanism as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which are known to relieve pain and reduce inflammation. They have fewer side effects in comparison to any other painkillers. Turmeric is a natural painkiller that can also help you relieve bone pain caused by osteoarthritis.”
Turmeric can be incorporated into your diet simply by drinking “golden milk.” You can make it yourself by adding turmeric and other spices, such as ginger and cinnamon, to either cow’s milk or plant-based milk.
Turmeric is loaded with antioxidants. In addition to reducing inflammation, it may improve memory and brain function. It may also protect against heart disease and improve mood. Studies also show that turmeric has antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties as well.
You may have heard that you can relieve a toothache by holding a clove directly on the hurting tooth. Others saturate a small cloth or cotton ball with clove oil and place it on the tooth instead.
Cloves contain eugenol, a natural painkiller. Studies show that it decreases inflammation which alleviates pain. In addition to relieving tooth pain, it treats colds, nausea, and headaches.
You can easily incorporate cloves into spice blends or add some directly to teas, smoothies, and other beverages. Mixing a small amount into soups, stews, and curries is another option.
Capsaicin is extracted from chili peppers and is used to treat a specific type of pain. Neuralgia is defined as burning or shooting pain in the nerves. It can also be used to treat mild discomfort caused by rheumatoid arthritis or muscle sprains or strains.
Capsaicin calms sensory neurons. For that reason, researchers concluded it can bring pain relief for those suffering from psoriasis, arthritis, and other neuro-related pains.
If you like a spicy diet, sprinkling ground chili peppers in your dishes will do the trick.
Omega-3 fatty acids
Another naturally occurring anti-inflammatory is omega-3 fatty acids. It is useful for treating arthritis pain and can relieve the pain associated with bowel diseases. It has also proven beneficial for those experiencing pain in their lower back and joints. Women suffering from menstrual pain may find significant relief too.
Eating salmon, mackerel, or sardines supply the body with omega-3s. If fish aren’t on the menu at your house, you can try plant-based omega-3 sources. They include flaxseeds, chia seeds, walnuts, and hemp seeds.
Lavender essential oil
Several essential oils are known for their pain-relieving properties. Lavender oil is greatly known in the world of aromatherapy for its calming effect on mind and body alike. It also contains anti-inflammatory properties.
Lavender essential oils can be applied directly to the skin, used as a warm body compress, in a bath, and even aromatherapy can induce pain relief.
Don’t overdo it
It’s a good idea to run your plan by a nutritionist or, perhaps, your family doctor. As with pharmaceutical drugs, too much of a good thing might wind up being harmful to your health. Plan to purchase these herbs and spices from a reputable source. And, if pregnant or nursing, it might be wise to avoid them for the time being.
Again, have a conversation with your doctor first. It’s a good place to begin a new pain regimen rather than jumping off on your own.