Last updated : March 3, 2025
Urine drug testing is the most commonly used and widely accepted method to test for recent drugs use. It is perfect for maintaining a drug free workplace, testing on a pre-employment, random, post-accident, or reasonable suspicion basis, and can be used to identify a wide range of illegal and prescription drugs.
Despite the rumors that many people still believe, it is extremely difficult to “cheat” a urine drug test. Drug metabolites cannot be “flushed” out by drinking extra fluids, taking diuretics, or using a detoxification product. Adding chemicals or diluting a specimen will cause it to be flagged as “inconclusive,” requiring a second test, which must then taken under “direct observation” which means in plain view of the test administrator the entire time. Bringing clean urine provided by someone else may not be noticed by the test administrator, but the temperature will almost certainly be off, which will also cause it to be flagged.
In addition to drug metabolites, urine drug testing may also measure pH, creatinine, nitrates, temperature, and any adulterants that may have been added to the urine specimen. This prevents attempts to manipulate test results.
These types of urine tests are fast, easy, and they’re the only method allowed for DOT and other federally mandated tests. A urine test procedure is also the least expensive method to test for drug use.
It’s important to point out that while a positive urine test does not necessarily mean that an individual was under the influence of drugs at the time of the test, it has become the standard for evidence of “current use” for the U.S. Department of Labor.