Last updated : February 17, 2025
The benefits of a drug testing program go well beyond increased productivity. There’s improved safety in the workplace, lower costs. and a healthier work environment, too. These are just some of the reasons starting a drug testing program might be the best “New Year’s resolution” for a Cleveland business owner.
You’ll know who you’re hiring
Your employees want it
There are books and seminars and podcasts and advice galore on how to improve employee morale. You can spend a lot of money trying to research it, but here’s a hint, there’s only so much you can do, because every single workplace has a different set of factors. Since you can only control so much, you can only count on things that improve “quality of life” while that employee is at work. You can throw money at a new coffee machine (and we’re not saying not to get that new single serve machine, understand) or you can let them know they are safe around their co-workers.
The Department of Transportation mandates drug testing, as do government services. Sure, it makes sense for those jobs, right? Well, then why not yours? The cost?