Last updated : February 17, 2025
Manufacturers of consumer and commercial products face a serious problem when they employ drug abusers. Despite routine drug screening, up to 70 percent of Americans who use illegal drugs are currently employed. Substances that commonly affect workplace performance include marijuana, opiates, cocaine, PCP, barbiturates, alcohol and others. The effects of substance abuse in any industry range from minor to deadly. Here are five ways that drug use impacts manufacturers.
Drugs Increase Workplace Accidents
Studies have revealed that drug abusers are up to four times more likely to have or cause accidents in the workplace. In manufacturing, it can be especially difficult to perform duties safely when under the influence of drugs. Drugs affect an employee’s judgment and may cause him or her to take unnecessary risks, or lose focus while performing activities that require concentration. Workers in manufacturing must often handle sharp tools, extreme temperatures and potentially hazardous chemicals. Operating heavy machinery when drunk, high or hungover can end in disaster. Workers who use drugs endanger their own lives and those of their coworkers and supervisors.
Drugs Impair Productivity
Drug abuse both directly and indirectly decreases workplace productivity. Statistics show that substance abusers are absent more often than non-users; this forces others to take up the slack and places a strain on the entire work team. A preoccupation with taking or obtaining drugs may lead to longer break times or buying and selling drugs while at work. Workers who use drugs may experience slowed reflexes, poor coordination, lack of concentration, apathy, emotional distress and withdrawal symptoms. A drug user’s mistakes and judgment errors can force others to perform remedial work. Observation of a drug abuser’s behavior can also be distracting to concerned coworkers, and this may result in wasted time and overall reduced work output.
Drugs Cause Increased Turnover
The reasons for firing a drug abuser are obvious, but the problem goes even deeper. Because drug users’ poor performance and attitude affects the efforts of those around them, it is a challenge to retain quality employees who are willing to tolerate the added strain. Increased turnover rates result in lowered productivity because of inexperience in new hires; a vicious cycle is created when drugs are in the picture.
Drug Abuse Destroys Workplace Morale
Functioning in an environment with drug abusers can be demoralizing and frustrating for workers who must constantly take up the slack and defend themselves against the errors of another person. It is difficult to foster a nurturing environment and encourage teamwork in the presence of serious drug abuse. An abuser may act paranoid or falsely blame others for problems he or she creates in an effort to hide drug habits. Eventually, the workplace environment becomes toxic and unhealthy for everyone.
Drugs Can Increase Workers Compensation Costs
Excessive injuries and accidents related to drug use can drive up Workers Compensation costs. Conversely, preventing drug abuse in the workplace can help manufacturers lower costs and reduce their insurance claims.