Last updated : February 17, 2025
The past several decades have seen the introduction of a wide variety of drugs to different cities, and almost all are equally concerning to parents, community activists and law officials. Drugs interfere with the health of members of the community, especially affecting the lives of those in poverty, our youth and those with mental health concerns.
Drugs influence a person’s level of self control, personal inhibitions and decision making. They put people in danger of developing chronic illness, including heart disease, degenerative organ functioning and other problems. Some drugs pose their own unique risks, in addition to the standard issues that come from abusing illicit drugs.
There is a new and frightening drug called Krokodil that was created in Russia and has flesh-eating properties. This drug has made its way to the United States in recent months, and is now present throughout the Midwest, including Chicago and Ohio. Understandably, this drug has officials worried for reasons beyond the hardships associated with traditional drugs, and they are doing everything they can to get this drug off the streets and away from people who may be harmed by it.
Krokodil is a combination of codeine and several toxic chemicals which are a hazardous on their own, but when combined can lead to serious health complications or death. Use of this drug can lead to the development of abscesses on the skin as well as gangrene.
The drug is administered intravenously, granting it immediate access to the skin and blood and granting it the opportunity to begin causing serious damage to the body.
In Ohio, the introduction of Krokodil has authorities on their toes. The drug is dangerous—more so than even heroin. Unfortunately, most of those who use the drug do not realize just how dangerous it is.
Law enforcement officials in Ohio are so worried about the presence of Krokodil on the street that they have invited those in possession of the drug to turn in their stacks of the drug to the police without any questions or penalties for posession of the drug.
Krokodil is just as addictive as heroin, but at a much lower price. After injecting the drug into your skin you’ll find sores and abscesses across your body that will not heal. The skin will turn green in different areas and entire limbs can become maimed. On top of all of this, Krokodil will lead to brain damage.
The long-term effects of Krokodill are even more devastating than heroin, and community officials are now trying to educate community members about the drug, and to remove it from the streets as quickly as possible.