Last updated : February 3, 2025
It’s no secret that when faced with a drug test, some drug abusers begin searching for a way to “pass” it without drugs being detected in their system. However, if it includes using diuretics, it’s not going to do the trick. There are a plethora of products on the market that are said to “detoxify the body”—those are often code words for “mask drug metabolites.”
If one takes the time to peruse the small print, they will no doubt find an “out” that relieves the company of responsibility should the product not perform as expected. For instance, most employers choose to use the urine drug test because it’s accurate and the most cost-effective. It’s so commonplace that employees actually expect to “pee in a cup” when hearing there’s a test to pass—some of them actually think they can “beat” it. If they purchase products online or in-store, they often require mixing them with water. The fine print is the company’s “out” stating that if exact measurements aren’t used, the product may fail.
Go natural
Online testimonies tout that there are natural ways to rid your body of drug metabolites. The only one that truly works, of course, is to abstain from drug use. However, if someone can’t allow for the natural passing of time, they’re looking for a boost to accelerate the process.
There are a number of ways people try to do this.
The sweat factor is a big draw. These types of methods include:
- Add Epsom salts to a hot bath—Soaking in the hot, salty water opens the pours allowing the metabolites to flow freely from the body.
- Extreme workouts—sweat those metabolites out
- Spend time in the sauna—but perhaps not right after the extreme workout, right?
- Sunbathing—Do you think it’s because they’re sweating bullets anyway about flunking the test that these types of methods are popular “remedies?”
Other people swear by what you eat or drink. That list includes the importance of cutting sugars and unhealthy fats from the diet pronto. The body needs to focus on ridding itself of illicit drugs. The less junk food it has to deal with in the meantime, the better.
Instead, they say, eating healthy switches up the metabolism and helps the process of elimination happen more quickly. So, drug abusers need to prepare healthy foods including lots of vegetables, and whole foods. They say taking vitamin and mineral supplements is beneficial as well.
Even if they manage to stick to the regimin, we’re afraid they may still be shocked when they flunk their test. Still, there’s always a bright side. They’ll be in good shape for hitting the streets in search of their next job.
Go with the flow
Using diuretics to cleanse the system is another popular “tried and true” method. Again, we feel the need to state that the only way to get a negative result on a drug test is to stop using drugs.
For those who insist on being dishonest though, there are a host of natural diuretics for them to try. They include:
- Drinks that contain caffeine, such as coffee, tea, and even energy drinks, for instance, are popular. However, the body builds up a tolerance to caffeine. Lots of drug abusers don’t realize that, so even if it did expel drug metabolites more quickly…
- Dandelion extract contains high levels of potassium which aid the body’s urination process.
- Horsetail is taken in capsule form. It’s said to be a diuretic, but there are few studies on the matter.
- Making tea with parsley is a folk remedy used for diuretic purposes, however, no human studies have actually been done to prove this point.
Foods that have diuretic properties include:
- Lemons
- Watermelon
- Pineapple
- Grapes
- Celery
- Garlic
- Onions
- Bell peppers
- Cucumbers
- Ginger
- Asparagus
In reality, if you’re reading this and you use drugs, trying to hide that fact from your employer is a waste of time. The truth always finds a way to come out. It might be better to go see your employer and confess that you have a problem… because if you are trying to hide your drug use, deep down, you know it’s a problem. Right?
Get help. Sure, this job might be down the drain, but there’s another one out there waiting for you. And when you’re drug-free, your opportunities are going to abound. You’ll be so pumped you’ll walk in with a “drug testing near me” search open on your phone offering to pop into any one of them!
It might be tough to take the first step, but we’re rooting for you! The change in your life will be so worth it.
We promise.