Last updated : February 24, 2025
Teenagers getting high while they party is a given because millions of teenagers around the world see “partying” as being a right of passage. Kids look forward to that wild, carefree time of life. That’s because the world tells them that’s the way it should be. It’s promoted by social media, movies, and books—it’s everywhere.
While parents understand the need for their child to be with his friends—a lot—very few of them would agree that drugs and alcohol should be part of the picture. Possibly, because they’ve been there, done that themselves—at the very least, they’re aware of the severe outcomes that can result from teenagers getting high.
Thankfully, by the time they reach adulthood, most people figure out that a life focused on “where’s the party?” isn’t a road worth traveling. Still, many teenagers get addicted during that time of life and they struggle with—or succumb to—it until the day they die.
Try and tell a teenager getting high can lead to a life of addiction though.
Teens tend to be headstrong and impulsive—is that putting it too mildly? Possibly, because many parents will attest that sometimes it seems as if their child truly believes they’re invincible! If “everybody’s doing it,” a parent’s advice often goes unheeded. On the other hand, some teens understand that getting high on prescription medications or illicit drugs, such as heroin or methamphetamine, for instance, could lead to addiction or death. They choose to shy away from the “real” stuff altogether and that’s great!
However, curiosity and the desire not to be left out leads to some teenagers getting high on stuff that a lot of us have in our homes all the time. And, they won’t show up on a drug test. Parents need to be aware of that because they’re dangerous too.
Nutty on nutmeg
Thankfully, it seems as if the Tide pod challenge that went viral on the internet back in 2018 died out. However, new challenges continue to spring up from time to time… you saw people trying to ingest a spoonful of cinnamon before time ran out, right? Seeing their reactions, did you wonder how in the world it ever caught on?
Guess what?
Another challenge is making its way through the viral stage sending teens running for the spice cabinet once again.
Someone told the kids that nutmeg causes hallucinations.
It’s mixed in drinks, eaten, snorted, and smoked… however, that’s the least used method. Can you imagine inhaling a lung full of nutmeg smoke? It has got to be harsh!
Come to find out nutmeg contains myristicin. It creates a psychoactive effect when undergoing the body’s metabolization process. The high is a long time coming though because it takes about six hours to feel the effects. When it happens, though, it can last two or three days!
While nutmeg is a great spice to add to some food and drink, the good news is that mass quantities of the stuff aren’t appealing. And, the side effects of taking the drug include gastrointestinal discomfort that often leads to vomiting and diarrhea. It’s for those reasons that few teens would choose to make it a go-to drug, for sure.
Studies are few but have been done and findings show that it takes at least two teaspoons to be affected by the myristicin.
In addition to gastric distress, side effects to look out for include:
- hallucinations
- drowsiness
- dizziness
- dry mouth
- confusion
- heart palpitations
- respiratory issues
- seizures can occur
If taken in large amounts, things can get dangerous. You need to make sure your child is aware of that fact. They may be a voice of reason in a room full of teens who just might listen to them.
But, wait, there’s more…
You may find some of these methods a bit hard to swallow, but teenagers getting high using the following are documented… probably on TikToc if you type the right code word into the search.
- Morning glory seeds cause hallucinations. Teens generally chew the seeds to get high, but they can be crushed for inhaling or rolled into cigarettes.
- Kava is a root used as an herbal remedy. Teens purchase it at health food stores in powder form. You can achieve a mild high when taken as directed. Of course, teens are likely to use more than directed in hopes of elevating their experience. That can cause liver issues. Keep an eye out for drowsiness accompanied by yellowed skin.
Not everyone has morning glory seeds or kava on hand, but what about the following:
- Cough syrups, like Robitussin or Nyquil
- Aerosol sprays
- Whipped cream and helium balloons contain nitrous oxide
- Markers, correction fluid, glue, and paint thinners contain volatile solvents
- Hand sanitizer and other antiseptics with high concentrations of alcohol
It’s said that banana peels can even get you high, but it takes a boatload of them. And, it involves scraping the inside of the peels to obtain the pith, and, then, cooking that down. Most teens wouldn’t even consider giving it a go due to the length of time involved. If they followed through with the instructions, bananadine is the end result and is said to cause a psychoactive reaction if you eat enough.
Living in the here and now
Teenagers aren’t impulsive on purpose.
Even though they may truly believe they are as rational as an adult when they hit their teens, they aren’t. Their brains haven’t fully developed yet. According to Dr. Frances Jensen, author of The Teenage Brain, it tends to cause them to feel fast and think slow.
It’s our job as parents to realize that even though they look like adults, they aren’t.
Their intense need to fit in affects their judgment more than they realize. It can lead to impulsive behavior and we all know how dangerous that can be. If your child has been diagnosed with ADHD or bipolar disorder, they may be even more likely to take serious risks.
It only takes a second for a situation to go from a good time to life or death. Say, if they were jumping off a bridge into unknown depths for instance…
Talk to your kids about the dangers of teenagers getting high on anything other than life! We want them to enjoy it to the fullest. But, by experiencing every moment in the here and now—not by believing they should alter their mindset. They’re perfectly capable of acting nutty of their own accord.
Am I right?