Last updated : February 17, 2025
Date rape drugs continue to find their way into the headlines across the nation and around the world. For instance, doctors believe that the county commissioner of Clayton County, Georgia was given gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB)—one of the commonly known date rape drugs—at a community event in late September. Thankfully, she was not harmed in the incident. However, she stated that she is more determined to fight to eradicate this threat to society than ever.
The Sexual Assault Center in Nashville recently reported an alarming increase in the number of rape victims who believe they had been drugged while on a night out at bars or nightclubs. It’s nothing new, however. The center added a tic box to its patient forms last year so the instances could be easily tracked.
Moreover, a doctor in Israel, suspected of importing date rape drugs from abroad, was arrested in September. His home was raided and officers found what was believed to be MDMA, marijuana, MMC, psilocybin mushrooms, and ketamine.
What are date rape drugs?
Date rape drugs are substances used by unscrupulous people who intend to sexually assault someone. The number one assault weapon used for this purpose is alcohol. Some medications have fallen under the title as well, of course.
The intent is for the intended victim to become groggy, confused, unable to defend themselves, or completely unable to recall what happened to them later. Victims don’t just come out of the nightlife scene though. It can happen to anyone at any time. When drugs are used, they’re often slipped into the person’s drink unknowingly. Once they begin to take effect, the victim is whisked away from the environment and attacked.
Drugs commonly used
We have mentioned that alcohol has long been the number one date rape drug. However, virtually any drug that depresses the central nervous system can be used.
Other commonly used drugs are:
GHB (gamma-hydroxybutyric acid)
GHB is a depressant.
Its nicknames include:
- Easy lay
- Georgia home boy
- Liquid X
- Liquid ecstasy
- Liquid E
- Grievous bodily harm
- Gib
- G-riffic
- Scoop
- Soap
- Salty water
- Organic Quaalude
- Fantasy
Physicians sometimes prescribe it to treat narcolepsy, a sleep disorder.
Rohypnol (flunitrazepam)
This strong benzodiazepine tranquilizer, also, has many nicknames to list.
They include:
- Mexican Valium
- Circles
- Roofies
- La Rocha
- Roche
- R2
- Rope
- Forget-me pill
Physicians in other countries use this drug as an anesthesia before surgery. That fact, alone, gives us a huge indication of how dangerous this drug can be when taken unintentionally! The United States banned the use of Rohypnol—that’s not stopping the traffickers though.
This dissociative drug causes a detachment from reality. That’s never a good place to be when around strangers.
Keep your ears open for these nicknames:
- Special K
- Vitamin K
- Cat Valium
Doctors and veterinarians use this drug as an anesthesia. Physicians prescribe it for treatment-resistant depression as well, but only under strict supervision.
We mentioned—more than once—that alcohol is the number one date rape drug. Because date rape victims are often snatched from bars or nightclubs, odds are they have alcohol in their system in addition to one of the above drugs. It boosts the effects of the medications.
It can also make someone far more susceptible to overdosing when used in combination with these dangerous drugs.
Staying safe
First and foremost, never go out alone. When you and your friends plan to hit the bars or nightclubs together, there is safety in numbers! Moreover, it’s always a good idea for someone to stay sober and keep an eye out for everyone else as well as to be a safe ride home at the end of the night.
Other safety tips include:
- When meeting up with someone, strongly convey your expectations.
- Meet new acquaintances in public places and always have your own transportation to and from.
- Keep money in your pocket or purse in case you need to leave abruptly.
- Be aware of how much alcohol you are consuming!
- If someone pushes the line, say no as strongly as you mean it!
- Do not hesitate to seek help if, at any time during the evening, you feel uncomfortable—or feel as if you’re growing woozy—even if that includes making a scene.
Lots of bars and nightclubs have systems in place to help potential date rape victims and get the police on the scene as quickly as possible. Kudos to them! Taking steps to look out for patrons who may have been secretly drugged so that someone may take advantage of them is a noble effort to curtail the problem. Date rape has become yet another worldwide epidemic that stems from the illegal drug trade.
Friends looking out for friends is of the utmost importance, as well.
However, if you come upon a situation in which you realize someone may be in serious trouble, don’t hesitate to speak up. If you are concerned about your own safety, tell the bartender! Call 911! If someone is being victimized, we must be willing to do whatever it takes to stop the situation.
The phrase “just say no” speaks to curtailing drug abuse as a whole, not just refusing to pollute our own bodies. We need to keep our eyes open wide and be willing to step in and help another human every second of every day.