The urine drug test is the most used employee drug test and has been since employee drug testing began. Of course, at first, it was the only drug test available on the market so employers had no choice. Still, even after oral fluid and hair follicle drug testing became available, the employers of the general Read more »
Drug Testing Articles
5 Panel Vs DOT Drug Test
The Department of Transportation (DOT) came into being to see to it that the country’s roads and highways are safe for the general public. Its misssion entails mandating employers of the safety-sensitive workforce at every level of operation. Drug testing employees who come into contact with the public out on the road is part of Read more »
Employee Drug Testing Comes Down To This
According to a recent opinion piece in the New York Times, employee drug testing is nothing more than absurd and illogical. We’d like to have its author, Dr. Boehnke—a research assistant professor and director of controversial compounds in the University of Michigan Medical School’s Department of Anesthesiology and Chronic Pain and Fatigue Research Center—take a Read more »
Can Creatinine Levels Make or Break a Drug Test?
If you suffer from shy bladder syndrome and are scheduled for a drug test, we’d like to give you a word to the wise. Don’t keep refilling your cup in hopes of providing the bare minimum required to be called a specimen. Rather than doing all you can to remain in compliance with your company, Read more »
Will CBD Make Me Fail a Drug Test?
For those who are wondering if drug tests detect the cannabidiol (CBD) in marijuana, no, they don’t. Drug tests that contain a marijuana test panel are looking for tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). However, CBD users shouldn’t breathe a sigh of relief just yet because they are still far from in the clear. That’s because CBD products all Read more »
Natural Diuretics Won’t Save the Day
It’s no secret that when faced with a drug test, some drug abusers begin searching for a way to “pass” it without drugs being detected in their system. However, if it includes using diuretics, it’s not going to do the trick. There are a plethora of products on the market that are said to “detoxify Read more »
Are Drug Detox Drinks a Scam?
Ever since drug abuse gained enough attention in the workplace to warrant employee drug testing, people who abuse drugs have tried to cheat the test. Back in the day, drinking a lot of water let some drug abusers slip by undetected. Today, however, continued breakthroughs in drug testing technology have made it harder and harder Read more »
THC Metabolites Released in Urine Weeks After Using
Even though it seems legalization happens somewhere with each passing election, marijuana is still a drug and it causes impairment. It’s for that reason that employers are choosing to keep the THC panel on the company drug test. THC metabolites remain in the system long after the drug’s effects wear off though. People who use Read more »