It would seem extremely unusual for an employee to refuse a drug test, but it has happened. That’s because employees who use drugs don’t want their employers to be aware of it and avoiding the drug test would be an easy out for them. If you participate in a drug-free workplace program, your drug testing Read more »
Drug Testing Articles
How Far Back Does DOT Drug Testing Go?
Department of Transportation (DOT) drug testing has been in place since President Reagan enforced the drug-free workplace back in the 80s. The urine test has always been the approved test method and the amount of time that it detects drugs in the system ranges from a few days up to three months in the case Read more »
What is Diluted Urine?
Drug users have been trying to pass off diluted urine specimens since the earliest days of drug testing. Moreover, truth be told, it used to work. Drug users who were due to take a drug test could successfully tamper with results by consuming large quantities of water. Drug testing has come a long way Read more »
Can an Infrequent Smoker Pass a Marijuana Hair Test?
The answer to the title’s question, “Can an infrequent smoker pass a marijuana hair test is a solid probably. Undoubtedly, that answer is disappointing news if you only popped in here to confirm your hope that the answer would be a sound no. You won’t pass a marijuana hair test if you’ve smoked, eaten, or Read more »
Is Your Random Drug Test Truly Random?
If you don’t include a random drug test in your drug-free program, you might consider it after you hear this news! A whopping 40% of illicit drug users in the United States say that when a company drug tests, they aren’t likely to apply. That’s nearly half! Even so, that leaves a lot of people Read more »
What Drugs Do Employers Test For?
The majority of people in the workforce decided to live a drug-free life. That’s a wise choice for many reasons, one being that using drugs—even occasionally—isn’t worth risking their jobs. However, employers use drug testing to weed out the minority of employees who didn’t make such a wise choice. It can nip any problems in Read more »
Can You Eat Before a Drug Test?
If someone is scheduled to take their first drug test, it can be nerve-wracking—even if they don’t use drugs. There are lots of myths floating around online that may or may not be true. Doing something that could cause a false positive result after finally landing the interview of a lifetime would be devastating. However, Read more »
What Is “Shy Bladder” in Drug Testing?
Commonly known as shy bladder, paruresis is the medical term given to someone who becomes fearful or anxious at the thought of urinating with others nearby. Unfortunately, in a situation that requires them to produce a urine specimen, it can become a grueling—not to mention time-consuming—experience. The drug testing scenario could go something like this. Read more »