Different types of drugs stay in the body for different lengths of time after last use, depending on several factors, and the detection window for identifying drug use varies, depending on these factors and the drug testing method, such as urinalysis, oral fluid, or hair, that is used to collect a specimen. Certain drugs, like marijuana, Read more »
Drug Testing Articles
How Does Random Drug Testing Work?
Why is drug testing in general, and more importantly, random drug testing, important for employers? The Department of Labor reported that in 2014 nearly two-thirds (65%) of on-the-job injuries were related to drug and alcohol abuse; 38-50% of workers’ compensation claims for an employer related to these claims. Employers in industries that require situational awareness and attention Read more »
What is Post-Accident Drug Testing?
Serious accidents at work can cause long-term health problems for employees and financial issues for businesses. Therefore, it is not surprising that many companies these days have a vested interest in ensuring that any accident which occurs at the workplace was not due to the use of alcohol or illegal drugs by one of their Read more »
Which Drug Testing Method is Best for Your Company?
In recent years, largely due to the massive increase in marijuana legalization, drug testing has become increasingly common in the modern workplace. In the United States, drug testing is crucial towards combating both the direct and hidden costs of drug use by employees, which is estimated to cost American companies in excess of one hundred Read more »
What is Random Drug Testing?
Random drug testing is part of a drug free workplace program in which specialized computer software randomly identifies specific employees to be tested. Then a specimen is collected from each employee using urinalysis, oral fluid (also known as mouth swab), or hair, and these specimens are then sent to a lab to determine if the Read more »
Drug Testing Where Marijuana is Legal—What You Need to Know
With more than half of all states permitting the sale, possession, and use of marijuana on either a medical or recreational basis, employers throughout the country are finding it harder and harder to enforce drug-free workplace laws. While testing for marijuana in states where medical or recreational use is legal can seem like a dicey prospect, there Read more »
Are You Drug Testing Your Entire Company at One Time?
Our company facilitates over a hundred thousand drug tests each year for many industries throughout the United States, including pre-employment, random, post-accident, reasonable suspicion and drug sweep testing. Recently we noticed a pattern of abnormally high positive drug test results when performing company-wide drug sweeps. Over the past year one of our regional offices performed Read more »
OSHA and Post Accident Drug Testing
The new rule is final and in effect being enforced as of December 1, 2016. Though the text of the final rule entitled Improve Tracking of Workplace Injuries and Illnesses; does not specifically address mandatory post-accident drug and alcohol testing, OSHA’s commentary accompanying the final rules specifies that the agency views mandatory or blanket post-accident Read more »