Drug and alcohol abuse in the workplace is common, with prescription drugs beginning to take the place of many illegal drugs. That’s a big deal because drug and alcohol use have a direct negative impact on productivity, profitability, and employee morale. But by being proactive and paying attention, it’s relatively easy to keep most, if not all drugs Read more »
Can You Overdose on Marijuana?
The use of marijuana has been growing, with many people engaging in recreational use because of its effects on the brain and body. Others have used marijuana and cannabis oil for medicinal uses that they believe can either help, prevent and even cure certain ailments. Whatever the use of marijuana, it is still considered a drug Read more »
Can You Get Addicted to Marijuana?
These days, more and more individuals have become interested in learning about the physical and psychological effects that long-term use of marijuana can have on them. Specifically, many people want to know whether they can become addicted to marijuana. By reading the information provided below, you can attain an answer to this important question as Read more »
How Does Marijuana Affect Your Body?
Marijuana is the common name for a plant member of the family Cannabaceae that contains the psychoactive chemical delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC for short. The plant is well known for its recreational and medical uses, some of which have been adapted and approved by the FDA for the treatment of certain medical disorders such as chronic Read more »
What is DOT Drug Testing?
DOT is short for Department Of Transportation. The Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing Act of 1991 is a United States federal law that requires alcohol and drug testing for employees in the trucking, mass transit, pipe lines and railroads. The vast majority of employees who work in the transportation industry are covered by this act. Methamphetamine, Read more »
How Long do Drugs Remain in Your System?
Drug testing is routine when you’re applying for a new job and, in some states, government benefits. Passing a drug test may also be key to keeping your employment status. One question people often ask is “How long do drugs stay in my system?” There is no one answer, however, because different drugs stay in Read more »
What Does a 5-Panel Drug Test Cover?
A 5-panel drug test is used to determine if a person is abusing illicit drugs. This test can be used by businesses that make it a prerequisite before hiring an individual, to check Federal employees, sports organizations testing athletes, recovering drug abusers in treatment, by doctors who believe their patient is abusing drugs, or convicted felons on probation Read more »
What is Pre-Employment Drug Testing?
Employers generally conduct pre-employment drug testing after making a conditional offer of employment. Employers use pre-employment drug testing to avoid hiring people who use drugs. A drug-free workplace is a safer, more productive, and more cost-effective workplace. Drug-free employees tend to be more productive and have lower health care costs; in particular, they have fewer Read more »