By late 2014, voters in two more states and the District of Columbia had approved measures to legalize marijuana for recreational use. These votes apply an increasing amount of pressure on the federal government to decriminalize marijuana, and pot legalization supporters and opponents agree that they are moving America ever closer to establishing a whole Read more »
Four Reasons HR People Rule the World
Human resource professionals are key to running a successful company, whether the business is a large corporation or a small-scale operation. They are often the first members of the staff job applicants meet when they apply for work with the company. They help prepare new hires for work by explaining company policies and performance expectations, Read more »
Meth Lab Discovery Renders Restrooms Closed at Indiana Walmart
The character Walt White of “Breaking Bad” fame showed AMC viewers the dangers associated with creating a successful methamphetamines manufacturing operation, dangers one might assume would increase substantially when the chosen location for the lab is in a Walmart bathroom. This was the case at a Walmart in Muncie, Indiana, where an employee discovered what Read more »
100+ HR Leaders to Follow on Twitter in 2015
Human resources is often a thankless job. Aside from the first day on the job, most employees don’t interact with HR unless there is a problem, so few people realize how important they are. Management is praised for their visionary ideas, sales people are congratulated for landing new accounts, and designers are cheered for their creativity, meanwhile, quietly, behind the scenes, Read more »
How to Keep Drugs and Alcohol Out of the Workplace
Drug and alcohol abuse in the workplace is common, with prescription drugs beginning to take the place of many illegal drugs. That’s a big deal because drug and alcohol use have a direct negative impact on productivity, profitability, and employee morale. But by being proactive and paying attention, it’s relatively easy to keep most, if not all drugs Read more »
Can You Overdose on Marijuana?
The use of marijuana has been growing, with many people engaging in recreational use because of its effects on the brain and body. Others have used marijuana and cannabis oil for medicinal uses that they believe can either help, prevent and even cure certain ailments. Whatever the use of marijuana, it is still considered a drug Read more »
Can You Get Addicted to Marijuana?
These days, more and more individuals have become interested in learning about the physical and psychological effects that long-term use of marijuana can have on them. Specifically, many people want to know whether they can become addicted to marijuana. By reading the information provided below, you can attain an answer to this important question as Read more »
How Does Marijuana Affect Your Body?
Marijuana is the common name for a plant member of the family Cannabaceae that contains the psychoactive chemical delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC for short. The plant is well known for its recreational and medical uses, some of which have been adapted and approved by the FDA for the treatment of certain medical disorders such as chronic Read more »