A number of companies in South Milwaukee implement drug testing. This is done to maintain an optimal experience for customers and a safe workplace for employees. At the same time, industries that involve manual labor should always implement drug testing to prevent accidents on the job.
However, educational and medical institutions implement drug testing for their own reasons. People who work in these fields often have a large amount of responsibility. There are several industries in South Milwaukee that utilize mandatory drug testing today.
Truck Drivers
One of the sectors that implements drug testing for employees is the commercial trucking industry. There are many trucking companies that are either based in or service the South Milwaukee area. Drivers who are under the influence of drugs such as cocaine and marijuana can pose very serious safety risks to bystanders, other drivers and themselves.
Truck drivers are very important in this community. They transport important goods from one area to another. However, semi trucks are very large. At the same time, they frequently carry hazardous materials such as toxic liquids and fuel.
Commercial truck drivers need to be fully alert at all times. Additionally, they should conform to the transportation standards drafted by the Department of Transportation. A driver who operates under the influence can damage goods, cause accidents and can kill or seriously injure other people.
Mine Workers
Laborers that are working in the mining sector are tasked with using state-of-the-art heavy equipment in a very hazardous environment. At the same time, they have to work overtime and long hours as required. They should also be completely aware of their surroundings at all times.
Mine workers need to be alert to watch for passing vehicles and potentially dangerous machines. However, a mine worker that is under the influence of amphetamines or ecstasy cannot do this. This can cause numerous accidents in the field that could endanger their fellow workers’ lives. At the same time, it has grave consequences for a mining company’s operations. Some of these consequences include the revocation of their mining license and other liability issues.
People who are employed in the education sector such as teachers and assistants should also be drug tested. In this industry, it is very important to keep employees drug free. These professionals work extensively with students on a daily basis. With this, they should set a drug-free example for their pupils.
At the same time, they often deal with people that are incredibly hard to understand such as teenagers and troubled youth. If a teacher cannot live up to the standards that they are holding their pupils to, young people will get a poor quality education.
Additionally, their individualized attention is needed all the time. This is especially true when dealing with small children. An educator cannot adequately pay attention to and teach their students if they are using ecstasy or heroin. This is why teachers should not use illegal substances whether at school or at home.
Construction Companies
Both skilled tradesmen and laborers are often tested for construction work. Their profession often involves using powerful vehicles and hand tools. This equipment is very dangerous if it is handled by a worker that is under the influence of amphetamines. With a number of people working at a site, multiple deaths and injuries can happen if an addicted worker mishandles their equipment. Additionally, the need for precision and accuracy during a construction process makes sobriety vital at all times.
The medical profession has a very important reason for testing people for licensing, continuing and beginning their employment. In a lot of places, they have very easy access to medications that can be abused. This is particularly true in the case of nurses, doctors and pharmacists.
To prevent the loss of these important medications that can result in legal and financial problems, hospitals and other medical facilities should take steps to keep addicted medical professionals out of the workplace.
Being high on drugs can impair decision making. It can be the main difference between recovery and death of patients in the medical field. By making sure that medical personnel stay away from drugs, patients and co-workers can always count on their abilities and judgment when needed.