Last updated : March 3, 2025
A Point of Collection (POCT) drug test is the technical name for a rapid screen or quick screen drug test. They are gaining in popularity and it’s no wonder why. POCT drug tests let you know whether or not someone has drugs in their system in about five minutes. That’s quite a difference compared to waiting days for results regarding specimens sent to a laboratory!
If you’re an employer, you know that the majority of your employees don’t use drugs. Using POCT drug tests enables you to test your employees onsite. It’s a time saver because employees don’t have to report to a drug testing facility. Someone on staff can monitor the testing and read the results. That makes your drug testing program more cost-effective for sure! If an employee tests positive for drugs, though, the specimen needs to be sent to the lab to determine specifics.
How do POCT drug tests work?
There are two types of POCT drug tests. One requires a saliva specimen so an oral fluid test swab is used. The other type of rapid result test requires a urine specimen. Collection devices for the urine POCT test can be a drug testing cup, strip, cartridge, cassette, or dip card. The drug testing cup is considered the easiest device to use, especially in the workplace. These tests are also purchased for home use.
Point of collection drug tests work by testing urine for specific drugs with enzyme multiplied immunoassay technology (EMIT). This technology causes a reaction between an antigen and an antibody that will provide a negative or non-negative result for the specified classes of drugs. The tester must decide if the test is negative or non-negative based on visual clues.
If negative the testing is complete, however, if there is a non-negative result, the specimen should be sent to a drug testing laboratory for confirmation. We’d suggest using one approved by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). The laboratory will determine the exact drug metabolite of the drug or drugs present in the specimen.
What types of drugs do they identify?
POCT drug tests are capable of identifying up to fourteen different drugs. This would be called a 14 panel drug test. The 5 panel drug test is the most common drug test used, however, the types of drugs tested for vary.
Drugs commonly searched for using POCT drug tests include a combination of any of the following:
- Amphetamines
- Barbiturates
- Benzodiazepines
- Buprenorphine
- Cocaine
- Fentanyl
- Marijuana
- Methadone
- Methamphetamine
- Opiates
- Oxycodone
- PCP (Phencyclidine)
- Propoxyphene
- Alcohol Consumption (EtG)
Are POCT drug tests right for your company?
Convenience coupled with the time-saving factor are certainly important reasons to consider switching to rapid-result drug tests.
Other factors that employers should consider include:
- State laws—POCT drug testing is banned in some states
- Added responsibility for collecting and interpreting test results
- Drug panels to include
- Cutoff levels and device sensitivity
- Possibility of specimen tampering
- Value of an accurate drug test
You may decide to use the POCT drug test for specific situations only. For instance, they’re often used at job fairs to cover pre-employment drug testing or on construction sites for random testing.
Before making a change in drug testing methods, it’s important that you document these changes in writing within your policies and procedures. You also need to notify all employees of the change—most states require they be given at least 30 days advanced notice before the change in procedure begins.
Drug-free programs benefit employers
Creating a safe work environment is an employer’s top priority. Subsequently, the number one reason that employers choose to implement a drug-free program within their company is for safety’s sake. There’s no denying the fact that drugs in the workplace are a huge hazard. Of course, that’s because people who use drugs aren’t in control of their mental and physical abilities. Drug-using employees have accidents more often than sober employees. Anyone who happens to be working near someone who is high at work is at increased risk too.
Employee drug testing weeds out drug abusers. Moreover, once word gets out that your company drug tests, people who use drugs are far less likely to apply for a position.
Drug-free programs afford employers other benefits that include:
- Lower rates of absenteeism
- Raises productivity
- Fewer accidents
- Lowers turnover rate
- Less theft
- Many states offer lower workers’ compensation premiums
- Reduced healthcare costs
- Positive effect on workplace culture
Proof positive
If you are considering starting a drug-free program in your company, you might be surprised at the positive effect it has on employee morale. We’ve already mentioned that the majority of employees don’t use drugs so they aren’t going to have a problem with providing a specimen. More than that though, the fact that you drug test employees shows that you care about the overall well-being of the people that work for you.
That creates an increased sense of satisfaction which in turn has a positive impact on your business as a whole. Satisfied employees are far more likely to “go the extra mile” all day, every day. Your productivity levels are likely to increase as well—we’d dare to say that is especially true if drug abuse has been a problem in the past. Moreover, satisfied employees usually aren’t looking for another place to work because they comprehend the value of working for an employer that truly cares about their well-being.
The training and retraining for positions don’t bog you down when nobody is leaving. Right?