Last updated : March 10, 2025
It’s incredibly easy to pass a urine test.
Simply put, don’t use drugs.
Over 95% of our nation’s workforce agrees. It’s the little over 4% who test positive for using drugs who hope to find a way to dupe employers by falsifying a drug test. A quick online search results in page after page of ways to beat a urine test.
It’s the most used employee drug test.
That’s probably because the DOT uses it as it’s approved manner of testing. Many employers model their drug testing policies after those the DOT set in place. However, employers are free to test for any number of drugs and use the mouth swab or hair follicle test if they wish.
The “but” here is that employers of the safety-sensitive workforce must do so over and above the one required by the DOT. For instance, a growing number of employers in the trucking industry are taking on the expense of using the hair follicle test in addition to the DOT drug test.
Impaired thinking
Even if the drug user isn’t high at the time they hit that search engine, it’s a bit far fetched to expect to think you’d actually beat a drug test. Laboratory equipment is extremely sensitive. Rest assured that drug testing labs take advantage of that fact. Appropriately named a urinalysis, you can be sure the specimens are adequately analyzed!
For instance, an imbalance of creatinine in the urine indicates that someone may have tried to dilute their urine prior to the test.
Despite that fact, you can be sure that diluting your urine by drinking lots of water is a “beat the test” method proclaimed to be tried and true.
But, wait.
There’s more.
On the market
You can purchase detoxifying capsules and drinks everywhere from the local department store to online. Many opt for purchasing online. It’s delivered right to the door! These products claim to cleanse the urine by preventing the body from excreting drug metabolites for a few hours.
Moreover, synthetic urine products have hit the market and gaining popularity.
Home remedies
Flushing the system is the number one antidote so drinking tops the list.
A gallon of water a day, for starters!
Also, consuming cranberry juice, iced tea, apple cider vinegar, or, even, coffee supposedly cleanses the system of drug metabolites. Truthfully, though, these common diuretics cause you to urinate more frequently, but metabolites pass when they pass.
The instructions often include taking vitamin B-12 to turn your urine yellow again after all the diluting that’s been going on. The thought process behind that being that a technician might notice a change of color and raise a red flag.
Spoiler alert!
That works both ways. Do you know how much B-12 is too much?
Herbs make the list as well. Preparing a tea using chaparral poke root, burdock root and red clover act as natural cleansers. Also, goldenseal root is said to detoxify the body. However, there’s really no science to back up these claims. It’s an urban legend that lives on despite being debunked years ago.
Interestingly, though, some labs randomly test for goldenseal if a red flag specimen warrants additional testing.
Losing weight means losing fat cells, therefore, pumping up prior to a drug test can only be a good idea, right?
It’s true that burning fat is a key benefit of exercise. However, burning fat increases the number of drug metabolites that the body excretes. Thereby, raising drug levels in the system. A crash course in extreme physical fitness in hopes of beating a looming drug test is likely to do more harm than good.
Safe not sorry
No one wakes up one day and declares, “I think I’ll be a drug addict.” As a matter of fact, studies show that half of the people who begin using drugs or alcohol do so as a coping mechanism. The other half began using drugs in a recreational sense and found themselves drawn into addiction or they got hooked on a painkiller prescribed after surgery or a severe injury. They were genetically predispositioned for addiction.
That’s a sobering thought, isn’t it?
All things considered, things can get out of control pretty quickly.
The best way to get drugs out of your system is not to put them there in the first place.
If we refrain from ever using them we don’t awaken the sleeping genetic monster that apparently lies in wait within many of us. Nor will we ever falsely believe getting high makes it easier to cope with uncomfortable situations.
Waiting it out
Urine drug tests yield positive results for varying amounts of time. It depends on the type of drug and how often you use it. The window of detection ranges from a few days to over thirty days in some cases.
For example:
- Benzodiazepines stay in the system for three to six weeks.
- Cocaine shows up in urine tests for three or four days.
- Heroin remains detectable in urine for three or four days.
- Marijuana detection ranges from a few days to over 30 for long-term users.
- Methamphetamine yields a positive result on urine tests for three to six days.
- Ecstasy (MDMA) metabolites store themselves in the body for three or four days.
We’d suggest abstaining from drug use instead of trying to falsify the test.
We hope that you’ll see things more clearly and realize the absurdity of risking addiction. Thereby, choosing to live a drug-free lifestyle from this point forward.
We do.
If you suffer withdrawal symptoms, don’t give in to the urge to use to alleviate them. Instead, seek help! There are many options available to you. You can break the cycle of drug addiction or abuse.
It’s rough at first, but hang tough.
You’ll learn coping skills that will carry you through not only during the initial process but throughout your entire life.
Employers drug test to ensure the safest possible workplace for everyone. Employees impaired by drug use aren’t thinking clearly.
A silly mistake could have severe consequences.