Last updated : March 10, 2025
As if the stories of children being rushed to the emergency room after munching down on their parents’ stash of edibles containing either THC or CBD aren’t enough, the latest word off the street is that rainbow fentanyl is being sold in bright colorful pills. They attract the eye and, then, there’s more to entice the young. The pills often have an image on them as well. The reason, of course, is that it makes grabbing one even more appealing.
If a child impulsively pops one into their mouth, though, it could kill them.
The reports of law enforcement officials confiscating rainbow fentanyl are spreading across the nation. You surely agree that every drug bust is a good drug bust. But, this stuff is everywhere! How many of these pills—and other forms of the drug—didn’t get confiscated? At this point in time, it surely seems to some that we might not be able to count that high.
Drugs have poured into the country since day one of the open border policy—and it’s been going on daily ever since. Deaths due to drug overdose—through the roof since the onset of the pandemic—began to rise even higher. Border patrol agents began seizing incredibly large amounts of fentanyl being smuggled into our country. Then, it was announced that fentanyl was a contributing factor in many of the current overdose deaths.
Sadly, the figure continues to rise.
It’s extremely potent
Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid that is reported by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to be 50-100 times more potent than morphine. It’s been reported that law enforcement officials and emergency responders have been overcome by the drug when coming into contact with it. These claims have been refuted but not debunked.
This drug is extremely lethal.
It gets worse
Because of its potency, dealers disguise the drug a lot passing it off as highly potent heroin. They also mix it in with other drugs, such as methamphetamine, cocaine, heroin, ecstasy—unbeknownst to the customer. The added oomph it gives their product is sure to mean repeat business.
Unless, of course, their client winds up dead. That’s happening a lot these days. The fact that suddenly rainbow fentanyl is hitting the streets, blatantly disguised as candy, tends to make you wonder if the cartels are targeting an entirely new client base.
Just sayin’.
Teach your children well
You know what they say, the best defense is a good offense. That holds true in standing through many of the challenges that life throws at us. In this case, you need to educate your children about the dangers of illicit drug use at younger ages than ever before! Arming them with knowledge allows them to make informed choices when confronted with the situation.
In today’s chaotic world, having this discussion can make the difference of a lifetime.
You shouldn’t risk not bringing up the subject because it’s hard. Kids are getting pulled from every side to step into a chaotic world. They need to know what to do if they’re ever pressured to try drugs. When you give them an out and explain why it’s important they make the choice not to try drugs—or alcohol for that matter—they’re going to use it more often than not. Need proof? Most kids don’t do drugs.
They’re obviously listening.