The Massachusetts Act for the Humanitarian Medical Use of Marijuana (Medical Marijuana Law), became effective on January 1, 2013. There is nothing in the Medical Marijuana Law that prevents employers from prohibiting employees from working while under the influence of marijuana. On November 8, 2016, Massachusetts citizens voted in favor of legalizing the possession and Read more »
Drug Testing Articles
New Update on OSHA and Post Accident Testing – October 25, 2016
Re: OSHA Final Rule – 1904.35(b)(1)(i) and (iv) The drug testing industry and employers alike have suffered anxiety lately over the recent OSHA claims prohibiting post-accident drug testing. The recent OSHA ruling has a goal to improve tracking of workplace injuries and illnesses and to preserve employee’s right to report injuries and illnesses free from Read more »
Time limit on Reasonable Suspicion Drug Testing
Is there a time limit on reasonable suspicion drug testing? There is a common misconception that post-accident and reasonable suspicion testing have the same timeframes and time limits; however, they do not. Whereas all post-accident drug testing is to be conducted within 32 hours of the accident, there is no similar time frame or time Read more »
Update on OSHA – Post Accident Drug Testing – September 3, 2016
If you have 11 employees or more you are subject to OSHA’s new Electronic Recordkeeping Rule, which includes provisions which indicate an employer should not have a blanket post accident testing policy. The effective date of the Rule was supposed to be August 1, 2016. On July 13, OSHA extended the Rule’s effective date from Read more »
Urine Drug Test Results What Can I Expect
This is the drug testing process. It consists of the specimen collection, the laboratory processing and the MRO review. A Medical Review Officer (MRO) must review all tests, including negative ones. The MRO must ensure that the collection and laboratory processes were performed correctly and that there was nothing unusual either in the urine or Read more »
How Does Mobile Drug Testing Work?
Drug testing is performed by an ever-growing number of employers in the United States, from Fortune 500 companies and state and federal agencies to small businesses. Every company has its own reasons for drug testing applicants, including liability, safety, and risk management. Research has found that employees who use drugs are ten times more likely to Read more »
What is Pre-Employment Drug Testing?
Employers generally conduct pre-employment drug testing after making a conditional offer of employment. Employers use pre-employment drug testing to avoid hiring people who use drugs. A drug-free workplace is a safer, more productive, and more cost-effective workplace. Drug-free employees tend to be more productive and have lower health care costs; in particular, they have fewer Read more »
What Does a 5-Panel Drug Test Cover?
A 5-panel drug test is used to determine if a person is abusing illicit drugs. This test can be used by businesses that make it a prerequisite before hiring an individual, to check Federal employees, sports organizations testing athletes, recovering drug abusers in treatment, by doctors who believe their patient is abusing drugs, or convicted felons on probation Read more »