The way Hollywood portrays alcoholics and drug addicts is often one that glamorizes the lifestyle as one of excitement—with just a hint of danger. Even drug dealers can be shown in a sympathetic light, despite the fact that millions of people’s lives are destroyed by the actions of a few. Television is a constant presence Read more »
Drug Abuse
Drug Use Has Surpassed Drunk Driving in Fatal Car Crashes
According to the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA), drunk driving was the leading cause of death in auto crashes since national surveys began in the 1970s. Now, alcohol is just another substance that can be involved, found in 29% of the drivers who died in auto accidents in 2016. Drugged driving is officially more common Read more »
Synthetic vs. Natural Marijuana: What’s the Difference?
According to statistics, employers pay $7,000 per year for a single employee with a drug-related problem. Consider also that 65% of all workplace accidents are drug or alcohol related, with marijuana found to be the most prevalent drug used among employees. A safe and healthy workplace promotes a productive working environment, and protects both the employees Read more »
Horrifying Data on Drug Use in Houston
Drug abuse in most US cities is on the rise, and this is no different in Houston. Although the state of Texas might not be on the spot as a high-risk drug abuse zone, it still deals with a wide range of substance abuse problems. One of the things that make the state a high-intensity Read more »
Legal Marijuana Forcing Law Enforcement into an Unwinnable Situation
2018 could be a game changer when it comes to drug legalization, especially marijuana. In states like Washington and Colorado, the drug is already legal. A survey carried out indicated that 58% of the American population is advocating for its legalization. Colorado was the first state to decriminalize the drug, by lowering penalties and establishing Read more »
Is Marijuana Really a Safe Drug?
Despite America’s continued War on Drugs, marijuana continues to be the most accessible drug. The government has spent vast resources to fight the use of the drug, however, with dwindling law enforcement resources and some research showing that it may be able to be used for certain medicinal purposes, some states have legalized it for Read more »
How the Opioid Crisis is Killing Pain and the Construction Industry
By now, you’ve probably heard about the opioid crisis in the news, and unlike drugs like MDMA or methamphetamine that are used by tiny sections of our population, this one has widespread use. From soccer moms to school teachers to blue collar workers, opioid pain killers are used by a huge percentage of ordinary Americans, Read more »
The Shocking Truth About How Good People Become Addicted to Opiates
With the opioid crisis being declared a “public health emergency,” by president Trump it leaves many people wondering how did opiate addiction spiral so far out of control? The Center for Disease Control estimates that over 180,000 people have been casualties of the opiate epidemic from 1999 to 2015, with the highest rates being for those aged 25 to Read more »