Probationary drug testing is deemed necessary for various reasons. That being said, it’s a given that someone who has been convicted of drug possession can expect to be randomly tested for drugs when placed on probation. Other scenarios that could involve probationary drug testing may include: Child custody cases Court mandated parenting programs Returning to Read more »
How Long Do PEDs Remain in Your System?
PEDs, or performance-enhancing drugs, have legitimate medical uses such as aiding athletes in quicker recovery times. These drugs are also abused by some athletes striving to be number one. If they increase their performance levels, it gives them an advantage over other competitors. Moreover, it’s not just adults we’re talking about here. The Drug Enforcement Read more »
14th Annual NIDA Facts Week Spotlights Substance Abuse
The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) has been sponsoring the annual National Drug & Alcohol Facts Week (NDAFW) since 2010. NIDA scientists came up with the idea to encourage communities across the nation to create educational events focused on teaching teens about the science associated with drug abuse and addiction. Alcohol was added to Read more »
5 Things to Consider Before Becoming an Owner-Operator
Most truck drivers dream about becoming an owner-operator at some point in their career. The thought of being your own boss appeals to a lot of people. However, not everyone has what it takes to be an entrepreneur. For instance, if you have an issue with either time management or procrastination, it could be tempting Read more »
So, the Drug Test Line is Really Faint
Rapid result tests accurately detect all types of drugs and are becoming more sophisticated as time passes. However, some inexperienced test administrators have trouble distinguishing results—especially, when there is a faint line in the display window. People purchase over-the-counter drug tests for any number of reasons. For instance, some employers, who don’t have a large Read more »
Adderall Treats Adult ADHD
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) doesn’t just disappear when children reach adulthood. Some people learn to manage their adult ADHD symptoms, however, and don’t continue with medication as adults. We commend those who step up to that challenge using diet and other methods, such as different types of therapy, to help them reign in their Read more »
Rising Business Costs? Terminate Turnover
Inflation isn’t slowing down yet and many business owners feel the pinch just as strongly as their customers and clients. Looking for ways to cut costs is near the top of many Human Resources (HR) departments’ to-do lists. High employee turnover rates can devastate a business if left unchecked. Training a new hire only to turn Read more »
Need a Night Shift Morale Booster? Use Mobile Drug Testing
Most employees don’t use drugs and view the company test as a means for their employer to weed out those who do. Some employers only require pre-employment drug tests but others conduct random testing throughout the year. Some companies set up annual testing, often coupled with an annual physical exam. Partnering with a mobile drug Read more »