In an effort to impose restriction on drug users taking advantage of the welfare system, Lawmakers in North Carolina pushed through legislation that required screenings. The underlying assumption appeared to be that a large enough demographic of drug addicts were bilking the system to fund their habit and avoid work. The results challenged many preconceived Read more »
How Legalized Marijuana Impacts Florida’s Construction Industry
The move by most states to legalize the use of marijuana has several employers. They have to choose to either maintain a zero-drug tolerance rate or put their reputation in jeopardy by accommodating those who work under the influence of drugs. Legalization of marijuana in Florida did not make the situation any better. Drug abuse Read more »
30+ Leaders in the Construction Industry to Follow on Twitter
Staying up to date can be tough in any industry, but it can be especially challenging in construction because the industry is so complex, fast-paced, and often, rather than a comfortable office, many employees spend a majority of their time at job sites. Fortunately, there are a lot of resources, compiled by some of the Read more »
How Legal Marijuana Impacts Florida’s Trucking Industry
The support for the legalization of marijuana, both for recreational and medical use, is a hot topic of discussion today. While marijuana is now legal in many states throughout America, it is causing questions and concerns for many different types of businesses, especially those that are regulated by Department of Transportation (DOT) guidelines, like Florida’s Read more »
How Does Opiate Drug Testing Work?
Opiates refer to a combination of both natural and synthetic drugs that have a pharmacological action similar to that of morphine. They mostly include drugs that have the same structure as morphine. Some of the naturally occurring opiates that originate from the poppy plant codeines which are mostly used for as pain relievers. They also Read more »
What Are On-Site and Off-Site Drug Testing?
In addition to pre-employment drug tests performed on new employees during recruitment, many companies also require employees agree to random drug testing exercises as and when required. This is necessary for building a drug-free workplace consequently ensuring workplace safety. For instance, a person operating machinery should not be high on drugs as he puts his Read more »
Legal Marijuana Forcing Law Enforcement into an Unwinnable Situation
2018 could be a game changer when it comes to drug legalization, especially marijuana. In states like Washington and Colorado, the drug is already legal. A survey carried out indicated that 58% of the American population is advocating for its legalization. Colorado was the first state to decriminalize the drug, by lowering penalties and establishing Read more »
Is Marijuana Really a Safe Drug?
Despite America’s continued War on Drugs, marijuana continues to be the most accessible drug. The government has spent vast resources to fight the use of the drug, however, with dwindling law enforcement resources and some research showing that it may be able to be used for certain medicinal purposes, some states have legalized it for Read more »