If you’re mandated by the Department of Transportation (DOT) or another government entity, employee drug testing is required. No if’s, and’s, or but’s about it. If for any reason you choose to neglect your responsibility and an auditor walks through the door, you’re most likely going to be looking at some costly fines for non-compliance. Read more »
THC Metabolites Released in Urine Weeks After Using
Even though it seems legalization happens somewhere with each passing election, marijuana is still a drug and it causes impairment. It’s for that reason that employers are choosing to keep the THC panel on the company drug test. THC metabolites remain in the system long after the drug’s effects wear off though. People who use Read more »
Zombie Drug: A Real-Time Horror Story
People with raw, oozing wounds or amputated body parts wandering aimlessly through the streets may seem as if it’s a scene from a TV series. However, this nightmarish scene can play out in real-time at any given moment in cities across the nation as the zombie drug, Xylazine, also known as “tranq” or “tranq dope,” Read more »
Drug Testing Amps Up Performance and Productivity
Lots of employers are having problems maintaining their workforce for various reasons today. Performance and productivity are dropping for many of these businesses. Employees are the backbone of the company. Coming up with enticing sign-on bonuses or other perks to offer potential new hires is working for some. Other business owners are dropping or restructuring Read more »
Employee Drug Testing: It’s for Safety’s Sake
Employee drug testing offers employers many benefits that include lower absenteeism and increased productivity. However, neither of those is the number one reason that employers drug test. The main reason that employers choose to operate a drug-free workplace is for safety’s sake. Someone who is using drugs while at work has likely already formed an Read more »
Drug Testing Can Actually Lower Business Costs
Some news outlets are reporting that inflation is slowing down. However, some business owners across the country may beg to differ. If you’re one of them—and you’re to the point of cutting costs to keep your business afloat—employee drug testing shouldn’t make the list. In fact, it may help you lower your overall costs. Once Read more »
2023 DOT Drug Test Review
Drug testing safety-sensitive employees helps ensure everyone’s safety when traveling. The Department of Transportation (DOT) requires all safety-sensitive employees to submit to a drug test. DOT drug testing began back in 1986 when President Ronald Reagan implemented the Drug-Free Workplace Program as part of the war on drugs. It required, both, pre-employment drug testing and Read more »
What is a Pipe?
Judging from the image, it’s pretty obvious that many things qualify as a pipe. Believe it or not, even cardboard tubes can suffice. Granted, those types are generally reserved for teens or addicts who find themselves in a pinch. The question we need to ask, perhaps is what are these—often handmade—devices used for? In short, Read more »