If you tell someone who approves of marijuana legalization that it doesn’t change the fact that it’s a drug they’re apt to downplay your statement. The majority of our society now deems marijuana as being a “harmless” drug because its effects are mild. Users have gained the reputation of being laid back and carefree. The Read more »
THC Edibles, Rainbow Fentanyl—Do Kids Even Stand a Chance?
As if the stories of children being rushed to the emergency room after munching down on their parents’ stash of edibles containing either THC or CBD aren’t enough, the latest word off the street is that rainbow fentanyl is being sold in bright colorful pills. They attract the eye and, then, there’s more to entice Read more »
Do the Holidays Cause a Surge in Substance Abuse?
Unfortunately, the short answer is yes. It’s easy to discern that substance abuse and the holidays seemingly walk hand-in-hand. Revelry is in the air! Drinking—even casual drug use—is normal behavior at many social gatherings whether they be office parties or even the extended family dinner at Aunt Molly’s house. So, even those who don’t normally Read more »
Today’s Most Dangerous Street Drugs
The term “street drugs” pertains to any drug that is accessible on the black market. Dealers purchase their wares in bulk and break them up into smaller packaging for sale on the streets. It makes no difference where you live. Even if it’s the most rural area in the nation, your family isn’t exempt. Rest Read more »
Why You Should Skip Trace Social Security Numbers
If you’ve ever worked with debt collections, you realize employers skip trace social security numbers in an effort to track down a customer who owes the company money. That’s because a person’s social security number (SSN) is a key source of identity. Prior to 1986, it wasn’t unusual for people to wait to have their Read more »
What is a Cocaine Freebase Kit?
Instead of the powdered form that comes to mind when hearing the word cocaine, freebase is purchased in chunks more conducive to smoking in a pipe or bong. So, basically, a cocaine freebase kit consists of a pipe and a lighter—two things that addicts usually manage to have on hand at all times. When users Read more »
What Is a Rolling Paper?
People use a rolling paper when they want to make a cigarette. The roll-your-own variety of cigarettes is often marijuana instead of tobacco though. They’re also called joints or blunts. Rolling papers come in individual packages. Each package contains a specific number of papers. The papers are usually folded to release from their cardboard package Read more »
What is a Scale?
The term “drug paraphernalia” refers to anything that assists the user in their abuse. Finding an employee in possession of a syringe is a huge sign that they may be a drug addict. And, should an employee have a small scale with them at work, things could be worse. There could actually be drug deals Read more »