We know that substance abuse destroys lives. Not just those of the people using drugs either. Families are destroyed every day because of the loss of income, debt incurred, and relationships that should be based on trust reaching the last straw and being demolished. The list could go on. There isn’t even a need to publish Read more »
Some Big Businesses Don’t Drug Test But Should They?
You may be surprised at the number of big businesses that don’t drug test their employees. Yahoo Finance ran an article a while back listing twenty-five of them—and, we’re not just talking cannabis here. The list of non-testing companies includes Alphabet Inc., Netflix, Meta Platform Inc., Amazon.com Inc., and Microsoft Corporation. Moreover, according to the Read more »
Matthew Perry: A Friend in the Truest Sense
When the news that Matthew Perry had died broke this past weekend, it hit a lot of us—hard. Not only do we grieve for Matthew and his family and friends—which includes the millions of fans whose lives the show touched—but the news likely stirred memories that caused many of us to grieve over someone we’ve Read more »
What are POCT Drug Tests?
A Point of Collection (POCT) drug test is the technical name for a rapid screen or quick screen drug test. They are gaining in popularity and it’s no wonder why. POCT drug tests let you know whether or not someone has drugs in their system in about five minutes. That’s quite a difference compared to Read more »
Pedestrian Deaths Rise in Wake of Marijuana Legalization
The number of pedestrian traffic-related deaths is dropping in countries around the world. In the United States, however, that’s not the case. As a matter of fact, since 2010, the number of pedestrians killed in traffic-related deaths has jumped by 77%. We should mention that is in comparison to 25% for all other traffic-related deaths. Read more »
Drug Destinations: Not the Average Vacation
There’s a dark side to tourism that is rarely talked about but is thriving nonetheless. Drug destinations are actual trips. No pun intended. People really plan vacations around drug use—especially since pot is legal for recreational use in many states now. Those who enjoy smoking the drug may plan vacations in states where they can Read more »
Are Drug Detox Drinks a Scam?
Ever since drug abuse gained enough attention in the workplace to warrant employee drug testing, people who abuse drugs have tried to cheat the test. Back in the day, drinking a lot of water let some drug abusers slip by undetected. Today, however, continued breakthroughs in drug testing technology have made it harder and harder Read more »
Poppy Seeds on DOD’s Drug Testing Radar
The U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) recently sounded the alarm issuing a memorandum advising all military personnel to refrain from consuming poppy seeds found in baked goods and other food sources. The reason is that poppy seeds can become contaminated with morphine and codeine during the harvesting process. Both drugs form naturally in the poppy Read more »