Last updated : February 17, 2025
You’ve seen the commercials: pale, unhealthily skinny people with bad teeth and dirty clothes sit curled in the fetal position in the corner of dilapidated houses, raising pipes to their lips with shaky hands. The images are certainly scary, but is crystal meth really as bad as all that? In short: yes. Meth ruins the lives of everyone it touches; it is an incredibly addictive substance that will physically and mentally change anyone who decides to abuse it. It is one of the worst drugs out there, and it will undoubtedly affect the lives of everyone around the user, as well.
What is Meth?
Methamphetamine is a synthetic drug created in a chemistry lab. Unlike drugs such as marijuana, mushrooms, cocaine or even heroin, there is nothing natural about it- it is literally just a chemical compound. In lower doses, it is actually not incredibly harmful, but when taken how most users take it, it will induce euphoric and manic feelings as well as increase the user’s libido. Meth is created in a science lab and then sold on the streets to anyone who wants to try it. Meth dealers do not typically have a conscience; they will sell to anyone… even kids.
Why is Meth Bad?
Crystal meth, also called “Ice” on the street, is wildly addictive. It is a psychoactive drug, and abusers will start to have physical and mental withdrawals if they do not use regularly. As mentioned previously, meth induces manic feelings, so those who are high on meth will be in a semi-psychotic state in which they cannot think or make decisions clearly. An abuser is always thinking about the next time he will get to light up, and crime goes hand in hand with meth, as abusers will steal to have money for their next fix.
Is an Employee or Loved One Using Meth?
If you’re wondering if someone that you know is using meth but aren’t quite sure, you should look for all of the classic signs of addiction- less time spent with non-using peers, a significant increase in spending with nothing to show for it, a distant attitude and short temper… You can also learn if someone is using meth by observing their weight- is your once-healthy loved one rapidly losing weight from their body or face? Are their teeth stained or is their hair thinning?
To Be Sure, Look Into Drug Testing
If someone that you know is showing signs of using meth, you may want to consider making them take a drug test to be sure. Obviously, you can’t really force anyone to do anything unless the user is a child or an employee of your company. But since meth is so detrimental to a user’s life, you should at least strongly suggest drug testing and treatment, even if you can’t force the user to listen to you. You could be saving multiple lives just by taking this simple step. Employers should screen all of their employees before allowing them to start work in order to make sure that they are not using.