Last updated : February 17, 2025
Drug testing is today widely used in a variety of ways. There are actually a number of tests that can determine whether someone has taken drugs, but a thorough understanding of them is needed before one is selected for that purpose.
A biological specimen of any type, whether it be blood, urine, saliva or hair, will reveal the presence in the body of many different substances, from barbiturates and cocaine to marijuana and opiates. The substance can either be detected directly or by its metabolites, which are chemical products of the drug.
The most common drug test involves the collection and examination of a small amount of urine. Essentially the same as a urinalysis administered by a doctor, this test can usually be conducted at a remote site with a cup designed to be sealed. Countering its simplicity is the fact that a urine test will not confirm the amount of the substance or when it was taken.
A blood test is useful in directly identifying a particular substance. However, the value of such testing is limited due to the relatively short window of opportunity in which a given substance is detectable. A saliva test is less invasive than a blood examination, although it too is limited in the time it can detect drugs after their use.
Human hair retains foreign substances much longer than other bodily materials, making this a good way to confirm the use of drugs at a much earlier date. A hair analysis involves the cutting near the scalp of from 80 to 120 strands, which can be obtained from different parts of the body. Additionally, this type of test will not be influenced by the presence of other substances on the hair.
As one type of drug test may have an advantage over another in either convenience or reliability, the organization requesting it should carefully consult with the provider to determine which one will best suit its needs.