Last updated : February 17, 2025
Making sure that your employees are obeying the rules both at work and when they are away from the workplace is essential in productive growth. Atlanta businesses know that a successful team of employees are what makes your company rise to the top. It can be hard to detect if an employee is abusing drugs or alcohol. Creating a comprehensive drug free workplace program means establishing company policies and then enforcing them for every employee. The result is knowing where your employees stand with their personal life and making sure that they can understand and perform their job with a clear mind.
How drugs affect the workplace
There are a variety of prescription drugs and street drugs that can be used in ways that severely alter someone’s physical and mental health. Most drugs that are found on the street are illegal. If you have employees who are abusing drugs, it can affect their job performance and their ability to complete tasks accurately.
Abusing alcohol is a serious health problem that can affect the body both short and long term. Short term use affects the body’s central nervous system and reduces the ability to make decisions quickly and effectively. It can alter personality and impair motor skills. This can make it challenging to complete tasks and effectively communicate with others.
Marijuana can also alter the brain in several different ways. It can increase blood pressure and heart rate. It causes red eyes, dry mouth and a slowed reaction time. This can be detrimental in the work place. Lack of work completion and a sense of false reality can cause job performance to suffer and be dangerous, especially if the employee is operating heavy or dangerous machinery.
Heroin is a dangerous drug that is highly addictive. It creates a rush of euphoria that is followed by weakness and fading in and out of consciousness. Decision making skills are severely affected and self control deteriorates. This is not the type of behavior you would expect from anyone who engages in work-related activity through your business.
Cocaine is a strong drug that produces a short term rush of energy. Some signs of cocaine use include strange behavior, paranoia, delusions, paranoia and extreme aggressiveness. Over time, this drug will take precedence over family and work activities. The inability to sleep and nervous behavior can become evident and make it challenging to complete normal activities.
Ecstasy is a drug that is from the methamphetamine family. It is a stimulant but is has effects that are for more dangerous than crystal meth. It allows for heightened sensory perception and senses may be exaggerated with this drug. Initially, the drug gives off a rush of energy and stimulation—everything is heightened and the user may appear to be euphoric or very high. The downfall is muscle tension, flu-like symptoms and vision disturbances. This drug is dangerous and in some cases can cause organ failure.
Amphetamines are dangerous for the workplace because they can cause the user to exhibit behavior that is out of control. Exhilaration, excitement, feeling superior, paranoia and talkativeness are just some of the side effects of amphetamines. Testing your employees for drugs that contain amphetamines will help reduce the risk of violent behavior and physical exhaustion on the job.
Establishing a drug-free workplace program
Starting with your employee handbook, changes must be made that affect everyone employed by you and your associates. This makes it fair to all employees regardless of how long they have been employed. Partner up with your health insurance provider to find a program that offers drug testing at a reasonable cost. State your requirements in the handbook that include initial drug testing, random drug testing and ongoing drug tests for street drugs and alcohol.
The long term benefits include having a drug-free workplace in which all employees are treated equally in a safe environment. A reduction in drug users is beneficial to company morale and improves attendance. It also helps to reduce theft and increase employee safety in and around the workplace.
Having healthy employees can also lower health insurance premium for all workers on Atlanta. Creating a safe environment helps reduce accidents and makes the workplace safe for everyone working and everyone visiting the grounds.