Last updated : February 17, 2025
The workplace is an environment where productivity, professionalism, and a positive attitude must be fostered. By harboring such qualities, both the business and the employees thrive. However, there are many things that can disrupt and ruin this professional and productive environment. One such factor is drug use. With the ubiquity of drugs and the ease of using, many employers fail to realize that their very own employees may be especially detrimental to the work environment. In light of this, it is necessary to regularly test employees for drug use. A drug free environment has a number of positive benefits that every employer should recognize.
It Saves Money
One thing that many employers fail to realize is that employees that use drugs are costing their business possibly thousands of dollars. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, drug use in the work place cost businesses $81.6 billion dollars in lost productivity. While this statistic was taken in the 1990’s, statistics also show that drug use has only increased in the United States. This suggests that businesses are losing even more money in productivity than they were in the past. To prevent costing your business money and to create a productive environment, it is extremely vital to drug test your employees.
There are many consequences to work place accidents, such as harm to employees, compensation in damages, and so forth. However, businesses can lower the rate of accidents in the work place by establishing a drug free environment through testing their employees. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, 10%-20% of accidents in the work place are alcohol and drug related. Not only does substance abuse hurt the employee that is abusing, but it also can have a harmful effect upon other employees. Thus, you can lower your business’s accident rate and create a healthy environment by getting your employees tested.
Lower Employee Turnover
As a business owner, you know how important it is to keep your employees. Employees that perform well, are on time, and are productive are great assets. However, in most cases, when an employee abuses drugs, their productivity falters, they underperform, and they tend to show up late or not at all. When an employee underperforms, businesses are usually required to fire the employee. Such an action proves costly to businesses, as according to the Department of Labor and Workforce development, employee turnover costs businesses an average of $7,000 a year. Again, this can be prevented by establishing a drug free workforce.
Workers Compensation Claims
There are many reasons that an employee may file workers compensation claims. One reason that is becoming exceedingly common is that the worker requests compensation for being fired for substance abuse. In addition, statistics show that substance abusers are three to five more likely to file compensation claims than other employees. Like all drug related issues in the work place, this can be avoided by initially testing employees before hiring them and holding a strict drug free workplace policy.
Drug Use is Illegal
There is nothing preventing employees that abuse drugs from carrying drugs on their person. When an employee carries drugs into the workplace, your business is automatically endangered by their recklessness. Not only will other employees possibly see their drugs and notice their poor behavior, but so may clients. This strongly diminishes the image of your business and can hurt your overall revenues as people will not want to deal with a business that has a poor workplace policy.
Test Today
The workplace can be made into a drug free environment by testing employees during their employment and also before hiring them. The above situations can be fully prevented through choosing the right drug testing company. One such business is USA Mobile Drug Testing of Denver South. Their many local branches can provide your business with the professional drug testing services that it needs to perform optimally and succeed.