Last updated : February 10, 2025
At USA Mobile Drug Testing our concern is for the safety of the workplace and we care about the employees. In our experience over 90% of employees are in favor of a fair and consistent Drug Free Workplace. Our program at USA Mobile Drug Testing are about the employer and the employee, we care.
Working for a company that is alcohol and drug free has a lot of advantages. Employers who maintain alcohol- and drug-free workplaces do more than just protect their business assets—they contribute to the improved safety, health and well-being of their workforce. Employees benefit from knowing that a drug-free workplace program applies not only to them, but to all the coworkers and managers on whom their safety and security depends.
Take a moment to consider the positive impact a drug-free environment has on:
Employees in drug-free environments have greater confidence that their workplaces are safe…Think about the construction contractor whose personal safety depends on his fellow workers being alert and focused at all times.
Employees in drug-free environments take comfort in knowing that their workplace is healthy…Consider the restaurant server who knows his own health won’t be compromised because he has to work a double shift to cover for a colleague who regularly calls in sick due to a hangover.
Employees in drug-free environments are reassured that their workplaces are productive…Think about the high-tech worker who knows he won’t miss an important deadline because he’s covering for a colleague whose output lags due to drug abuse.
Employees in drug-free workplaces are pleased to be part of a team that gets the job done and enjoy the benefits of higher morale…Picture the nurse who arrives for work each day with the knowledge that the level of patient care won’t suffer due to a coworker’s abuse of alcohol or other drugs.
Employees in drug-free workplaces appreciate that their employer’s policies make them more secure…Consider the electronics store sales associate who doesn’t worry that the cash register she shares will be short at the end of the day because a coworker steals to support a drug habit.
Employees in drug-free workplaces feel an enhanced sense of well-being…Think about the accountant who worked hard to achieve recovery and finds that his supportive work environment plays an important role in his continued sobriety and success.
In our experience at USA Mobile Drug Testing, we find that small businesses are most vulnerable. When it comes to workplace substance abuse, small businesses have big disadvantages. They are less likely to have programs in place to combat the problem, yet they are more likely to be the “employer-of-choice” for illicit drug users. Individuals who can’t adhere to a drug-free workplace policy seek employment at firms that don’t have one, and the cost of just one error caused by an impaired employee can devastate a small company. USA Mobile Drug Testing consultants are ready, willing and able to help any business large or small to assist with implementing a comprehensive, consistent and fair drug free workplace program.