Last updated : February 10, 2025
The Federal Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 included the following requirements for employers receiving federal grants or contracts of over $25,000:
- publish an anti-drug policy statement and provide it to employees
- establish a drug awareness program
- establish as a term and condition of employment that employees report within five days, any criminal convictions for drug related activity in the workplace
- notify the awarding federal agency of employee convictions
- take personnel actions against workplace substance abuse
- make a good faith effort to comply with the Federal Drug-Free Workplace Act.
This law, enacted November 1988, with subsequent modification in 1994 by the Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act (raising the contractor amount from $25,000 to $100,000), requires compliance by all organizations contracting with any U. S. Federal agency in the amount of $100,000 or more that does not involve the acquisition of commercial goods via a procurement contract or purchase order, and is performed in whole in the United States. It also requires that all organizations receiving federal grants, regardless of amount granted, maintain a drug-free workplace in compliance with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988. The Law further requires that all individual contractors and grant recipients, regardless of dollar amount/value of the contract or grant, comply with the Law.
View also additional information from the United States Department of Labor – Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 Menu.