Last updated : February 10, 2025
It’s shocking to most of society to even imagine the need for the term “butt-chugging” to be in existence. And, if you don’t care to take the time to reason out the meaning, we’ll get that out of the way for you. It refers to consuming alcohol through the rectum.
Gross isn’t it? Nonetheless, this dangerous trend continues to make the rounds, particularly among younger age groups.
What is it?
The official terminology for butt-chugging is called an “alcohol enema.” It is a way to administer alcohol directly to the bloodstream by way of inserting a tube into the rectum. Others soak tampons in alcohol and insert them into the rectum.
This method bypasses the digestive system, meaning that the alcohol isn’t processed through the liver breaking down the substance. Chuggers feel the effects of the alcohol much faster with significantly stronger effects.
Here’s how it works
Both the rectum and colon are designed with an extensive network of blood vessels lining them. These blood vessels can absorb substances—like alcohol, for instance—directly into the bloodstream which quickly raises the alcohol concentration causing immediate intoxication.
Of course, the blood alcohol ratio can quickly become off balance which greatly increases the risk of someone succumbing to alcohol poisoning. This can quickly become a life-threatening situation—especially when emergency personnel are unaware of the need to search for an alcohol-soaked tampon hidden away in someone’s rear end.
The symptoms of alcohol poisoning include:
- Confusion
- Vomiting
- Seizures
- Dulled responses
- Slowed or irregular breathing
- Pale or blue-tinged skin
- Hypothermia
- Clammy skin
- Unconsciousness
Anyone experiencing these symptoms should seek medical attention immediately.
This method of getting intoxicated is said to keep some from becoming nauseous. However, others report that the experience isn’t pleasant due to experiencing burning sensations or feeling like you need to have a bowel movement when you don’t. Severe cramping can also be experienced due to an inflammation of the intestines. This condition is known as colitis.
These adverse effects cause some people to shy away from this process. They would rather risk feeling sick to their stomach at some point along the way.
Bizarre, yes, dangerous too
Because the alcohol swiftly enters the bloodstream, the person may become intensely disoriented or confused. Moreover, people in this condition are at a higher risk of losing control of their physical capabilities and the ability to comprehend what’s going on around them. This puts them in danger of being involved in an accident or taken advantage of by someone with nefarious intent.
There are three other dangerous consequences involved with butt-chugging.
Damage to the rectum and colon
Inserting a tube into the rectum can cause tearing or other physical damage—especially when done by someone who has no medical training. The harshness of alcohol can easily irritate the lining of the rectum and colon leading to inflammation. Eventually, infection can set in, ulcers can form, or rectal bleeding can occur.
Infection of the rectum and colon
Infections can become serious. Bacteria and viruses—which include sexually transmitted diseases—can easily be transmitted when sharing the equipment used to perform a rectal enema. Moreover, tearing the rectal lining makes people more susceptible to the risk of infection.
Dehydration could occur
Alcohol is a known diuretic. This property is often counteracted when consuming alcohol orally because people ward it off by drinking water. However, when alcohol is consumed rectally, you lose fluids without replacing them which can lead to dehydration.
Don’t believe the myths
We mentioned above that butt-chugging is most popular within younger age groups. Young people are well known for using peer pressure on others in the group to try something wild or different. However, many of the “perks” of using this method to get drunk aren’t true.
You’ll get drunk faster!
This is one of the most common myths about butt-chugging.
Alcohol does get into the bloodstream faster using this method, however, that doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll feel the effect of the alcohol quicker. In actuality, the rapid increase in blood alcohol levels may lead to alcohol poisoning before experiencing the “buzz” they’re looking for.
No hangover!
Assuming you aren’t going to have a hangover is another misconception being spread around high school and college campuses.
Hangovers are caused by the amount of alcohol consumed and how quickly the body can break it down. Introducing alcohol directly into the bloodstream causes it to be broken down at a much slower rate. This can potentially result in a more severe hangover that lasts longer into the day.
It’s safe!
If anyone tells you that butt-chugging is a “safe” way to consume alcohol, especially if you have stomach problems, tell them they are wrong. Then, please, share the information about sexually transmitted diseases, torn rectum lining, and the risk of ulcers developing in the colon.
They don’t think ahead
Young people are known for their impulsivity. Because of that fact, they often put themselves at risk unintentionally. We need to get the word out about the dangers of “butt-chugging.” Just as with drug use, when people are aware of the danger associated with alcohol abuse and addiction they are more likely not to try it in the first place.
If you’re a parent and fear that your child may be engaging in dangerous practices like this, all you have to do is type a phrase such as, “national drug screening” or “drug testing near me” to be shown a list of reputable companies. Or perhaps you’re comfortable with purchasing an at-home test kit from your local drugstore. However you decide to intervene, we encourage you to do it sooner rather than later.
Living a sober lifestyle is a trend we hope catches fire among the younger age groups. It’s the best plan for becoming all that you can be. Living with addiction results in the polar opposite.